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Burials, Cemeteries, Manpower, Labor, Woody Plants, Trees [Men clearing brush from overgrown cemetery]

Scanned: April 4, 2006


Woody Plants, Trees, , Call this bulbous growth a wart, a swelling or a tumor and all suggestions may be correct. Why they happen is not fully determined but they do. Usually, they are types of fungus growths which tend to mature in an interruption of the normal symmetry of the subject, in this case the tree. This subject with human inscribed facial characterstics, may be found one mile south of the snow measuring framework not far from the Cliff location in Keweenaw County. [Image of the deformed tree.]

Scanned: January 29, 2009

Food - Canning

Persons, Agriculture, Canning is one of several hobbies enjoyed by Mrs. Charles Koski. The former Toini Bjorklund was photographed by a friend in the basement canning some of her fruits and vegetables. She has completed canning 300 jars of jams, jellies, fruits and vegetables. All the vegetables and most of the fruits were raised on the Koski's 10-acre garden plot. [Toini Koski is pictured with shelves of jars of her finished products as well as products waiting to be processed.]

Scanned: January 28, 2009

Dams - Sturgeon River

Earthwork, Dams, Water, Work on the Diversion Dam on the Sturgeon River is about 60 per cent complete. Work goes on during a recent sunny day and it is hoped that the project will be done by October 15. Mattila Construction Company of Houghton is the contractor. [View of what appear to be steel beams at the construction site.]

Scanned: January 28, 2009

Buildings - Houghton Fire Hall

Buildings, Public Buildings, Fire Stations, Persons, Houghtons firebell which goes way back to the year 1884, in contrast to the buildings construction which was in 1883. The building really is a shrine in that it is the birthplace of Michigan Tech which saw its nucleus in 1885. Initially, the "hood" was removed and then the long arm of the crane reached over a line for the bell which according to Chief Chappel, weighs about half a ton. The bell was then placed in the bucket of an end loader and transferred to the south Houghton area firehall. In the cab of the loader is James Lightfoot of the Houghton city crew and in the foreground are, from left, Chief James Chappell, Fred Mattila, Dan Cote and Al Carr. [Image of the bell in the end loader bucket.]

Scanned: January 26, 2009

Signs - Ford Forestry Center

Sign and Signboards, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Currently, it is not possible to take a picture of the new Alberta Forestry Center's dormitory because it is not built as yet. But, soon the building will take shape, all its 35 by 200 feet. It is to be located near the present dormitory, No. 5. It will house 60 students when completed. Currently, Alberta has 54 forestry students of the associate degree class. Of these, three are girls. The operating staff at the Ford Forestry Center number 50 persons with a small corp being students. When completed the building not only will enhance and improve the facilities, but make for more ample accommodations. [View of the sign at the forestry center.]

Scanned: January 26, 2009

Fires - Ontonagon Paper Mill

Accidents, Fires, Transportation, Railroads, Fire Department, Officials and Employees, Fire Fighters Ontonagon's paper mill fire is said to be under control but this picture reveals that things are not as rosy as they seem. This car load of waste paper is on fire and the fire units are endeavoring to quell it. About five of the Milwauke Road cars where similarly affected but there were no damaged cars of finished paper product. Not only will the mill suffer from the fire but the railroad also will sustain losses both in business and in damages. [Fire fighters hose down one of the burning box cars.]

Scanned: January 26, 2009

Buildings - Hancock Elks Club

Buildings, Clubhouses, , Hancock Elks have been flying Old Glory since 1949, day and night, season after season and year after year. The nation approves it, the Veterans organizations do and so does the state. Even the Elks national organization has complimented the Hancock unit for their consistency in flying an illuminated flag. [View of the flag atop the Elks building in Hancock.]

Scanned: January 27, 2009

Ships - Edmund Fitzgerald

Ships, Water, The Edmund Fitzgerald, the largest ship on the Great Lakes when she was christened in 1958, apparently, went to a watery grave in the eastern end of Lake Superior Monday night with the loss of 29 crewmen. The 729 foot freighter, downbound with a 26,000 ton load of taconite pellets, vanished from radar screens during a vicious storm that registered 75 mile-an-hour winds and 25 foot waves. The search for survivors has so far proved futile. [Image of the ship in her glory.]

Scanned: January 27, 2009

Railroads - Soo Line

Transportation, Railroads, , The big locomotive here is on its way out of Calumet and Lake Linden in its tri-color hues. It was dedicated in September and has been busy since that time moving about the facets of Soo track ownership. On the Houghton visit it was manned by Engineer George Hokenson, Brakeman Tom LeGault, Fireman Ken Stenson, Conductor Francis Beaudry and Brakeman Wilbert Kuopus. The engine will leave the area Tuesday morning after moving today to Nestoria on its usual five day weekly run. [Image of the train decked out for the Bicentennial.]

Scanned: January 26, 2009