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Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Accidents, Fires Photo taken in May 1940 of part of Redridge from the Bell Tower of the Finnish Lutheran Church. The ruins of August Kaiser's house after the fire of January 29, 1939 is shown. The house was once the Atlantic Boarding House. [Fenced in residential area in Redridge]

Scanned: April 17, 2006

Buildings - Schools

Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Stanton Township School District School. Perhaps Obenhoff School? [Exterior view of building.]

Scanned: November 23, 2009

Buildings - Hotels & Taverns

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Industries, Service Industries, Hospitality Industry, Taverns (inns), Persons Two men at Schmidts Corner Bar - Wally Jolly (owner) - Ruohonen? [Dressed in plaid shirts, the men stand behind the bar and enjoy a beer.]

Scanned: February 13, 2008

Biography - William P. Nicholls

Persons, Education, William P. Nicholls at desk. [Photo of Mr. Nicholls at his office.]

Scanned: November 23, 2009

Abandoned Homes in Redridge

Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Historic Sites Copper Range Company removing all abandoned homes in Redridge in summer of 1957. Homes of Hautola, Lindgren, Timonen, Anderson, Koski and Rojala.

Scanned: September 16, 2013

Redridge Dam

Industries, Water, Engineering This photo of the redridge dam spillway at Redridge, Michigan shows the construction after total shutoff of water in the year 1908. It was built in 190 - 1902 and handled water from the steel dam that spilled over into the original river channel. Fish used this spillway as a ladder to return to the dam and river for spawning but in 1960 when the highway department cut off the spillway from overflow, the spawning fish were unable to return to the dam or river and hance the dam became bare of any trout. The Department of Natural Resources now occassionally plant fish in the dam but for some ten years no plantings were made and fishing was nil. The young lady in the picture is not identified but is thought to have been Charles Saltzers girl friend who accompanied him as he took this picture. The photo was copied by William H. Brikman, Charles Saltzers protoge and student.

Scanned: September 11, 2013

Redridge - Stanton's Camp

Buildings, Dwellings, Persons, The Stanton's Summer Camp on a bluff overlooking the Redridge Dam and Salom Trout River. This building was the summer home of the John Stanton family while nearby was the home of Dr. Moore who married Stanton's sister. The two-story Moore cottage burned down in a fire one night in 19, 30 or 31. For many years thereafter the property was neglected, but later sold to a Cole of Ohio. Later it was again sold to Bill Pakkala and lately to a Christoferson of Lake Linden. This cottage and Moore's cottage was reached by the Atlantic Railroad that sported a special coach for the elite family of notables of the company. It was built by Gotleib Schneider, John Drexler, Godfrey Kenel and Fred Mehring (all of German descent). The lad in the corner with his gun and dog is Frank Morin with his dog Don. Frank is the son of Joe Morin and nephew of Frank J. J. Morin, the famous scoutmaster and trobonist in the band. Photo taken in 1929.

Scanned: January 28, 2014

Freda Mill

Buildings, Dwellings, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Copper Mines and Mining, Historic Sites, Historic Districts The Freda Mill in 1904 - 1902 at Champion Mining Company.

Scanned: August 26, 2013

The Original Rhythm Ryders

Persons, Manners and Customs, The Original Rhythm Ryders. Alfred Franti, Lana Hautala, Joanne Franti, Joanne Phelps, Debbie Burkman, Gary Walstrom, William H Brinkman. Lower: Linda Houtala, Marella Lampinen, Jo-Ann Heltunen, Robert Peterson, Hubert Hautala. Lower three bottom: Richard Kangas, John Phelps and David Peters. [Children's band.]

Scanned: March 7, 2014

Redridge Water Pump

Persons, Manners and Customs, The Redridge Community's water supply came from a pump at the Baltic Mill. Here Henry Hiltunen and son Earl attend the pump. Water came from an artesan well in the hillside nearby.Though the mill closed in 1922, Copper Range supplied water free to all residents till 1962. A fire pump in the boiler house supplied high pressure water from the steel dam to fight fires, but through the same pipe line.

Scanned: March 7, 2014