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Cemeteries - Pinery

Burials, Cemeteries, , One of the oldest residents of the Copper Country was Mrs. Esther Mitchel of Zeba location, Baraga County. She was a member of the L'Anse tribe of Chippewa Indians. She settled in Baraga County before the white man and during her life was acquainted with John Sunday, A Wesleyan preacher, who in 1834 was the first minister of the Gospel who worked among the Indians in the county. Her tombstone in the Pinery Cemetery lists her age at the time of death in 1925 at 107 years. [View of the grave site of Mrs. Mitchel.]

Scanned: March 27, 2009

Cooking - Stoves

Buildings, Dwellings, , Barbara Heikinen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Heikkinen of LAnse and oldest graddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter DesLaurier Sr. of Pequaming tends to a water kettle on a Jungers coal and wood range at the DesLaurier home. The range has been moms helper for 42 years. It was purchased by the DesLauriers from the Charles Hebbard and Son store in Pequaming. Walter has lived there for 61 years. Mrs. DesLaurier has kept her baker in like new condition with soap and water. It has never needed any polish. Her main source of heat has been firewood, which has kept the grates in excellent condition. [Image of Barbara standing at the stove that looks almost new.]

Scanned: March 27, 2009

Houghton County Jail Construction

Buildings, Public Buildings, Jails, , Houghton County Jail Construction [Photo of jail construction showing the walls in place.]

Scanned: March 3, 2011


Agriculture, Persons, Manpower, Labor [The back of a truck carries sacks of potatoes.]

Scanned: June 29, 2007


Agriculture, Persons, Manpower, Labor Pickers in field. [Several people hand pick potatoes]

Scanned: June 29, 2007

Streetcar Stations - Albion

Transportation, Railroads, Street, Railroads, Persons, Buildings, Transportation Buildings The picture taken at the Albion Station some years ago will never be repeated. The track on left leads to Kearsarge-Wolverine and ultimate ends in Mohawk and the track on right to Laurium and Lake Linden-Hubbell. The station, one of several still in the area, is operated as a grocery by Mr. and Mrs. John Hrovatich. It was first operated by August Buralli, a Mr. Michellini, John Perenccio and Robert Robinson. The school in the background is the Albion, destroyed by fire in the winter in 1920's. [Three streetcar employees stand next to a car that bears a Calumet destination sign.]

Scanned: March 27, 2009

Copper Country Characters

Transportation, Persons, Hard Luck Ed. This familiar figure on a bicycle will no longer be seen. Death came to Edward S. Johnson Monday in Calumet. Despite his misfortunes in life, residents admired him for his fortitude and courage. He is shown as he appeared on his first bike ride this summer. Ed, at the age of 17 suffered one of several misfortunes in his life when he fell in the Mohawk Mill from a scaffold, permanently injuring his back. He worked for a time for John Jackson in the Gay store. He rode a bicycle, took part in amateur boxing and was an ice skater for 55 years. He roller skated on Tamarack Hill in the early days. As a cyclist he rode 114 miles in one day. He lost an eye when hit by a snowball in 1936 and four years ago recovered from a broken hip. [Photo of Ed on his bicycle.]

Scanned: March 27, 2009

Houghton County Sheriff Department

Peace Officers, Police, , Houghton County Sheriff Department [Sheriff Wiitanen poses with his officers.]

Scanned: March 3, 2011

Houghton County Sheriff Department

Peace Officers, Police, , Houghton County Sheriff Department [Sheriff Wiitanen poses with some other folks at what may be the grand opening of the new jail.]

Scanned: March 3, 2011

Railroad Locomotives

Transportation, Railroads, , By the time the 1964 tourist season arrives this locomotive, in front of the Hoerner plant in Ontonagon, will be repainted, improved and generally have a "spick and span" appearance. The property of the of the succession of pulp plants, National Container, Huss-Ontonagon, Hoerner, the engine was placed on its small stretch of improved track by negotiation with the pulp and paper company and the Milwaukee Road. The line's section crew, which operates between Ontonagon and Sidnaw, performed the placement work and now the old Wisconsin locomotive rests on a well ballasted track. It is old No. 6, the first engine to be put on public display. [Photo of the rusty looking engine.]

Scanned: March 24, 2009