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Buildings - Paine Library

Buildings, Public Buildings, Library Buildings, Woody Plants, Trees, The Paine library at Painesdale now is being removed from the landscape. When it was initially constructed it was labeled as one of the finest library buildings in the Upper Peninsula. Now, structural weakness has necessitated its removal from the scene. The Julio Co. of Ripley has the contract of salvaging the building which is located a short distance off M-26 in Painesdale. The building has been replaced by a modern library structure. [Exterior view of the sandstone building very much in disrepair.]

Scanned: March 24, 2009

Schools - Bohemia Township

Human Settlements, Buildings, Education Now unused, this Bohemia Township School at one time was the center of scholastic sessions in the Misery Bay area. Located not far from the Lake Superior shores, it is passed by virtually all motorists traveling into the Misery Bay district. Because the population is much reduced in Bohemia Township the youngsters of the area now are transported to the Heikkinen School in Stanton Township, Houghton County. Beyond the fifth grade the students travel to the Painesdale district. Bohemia is now a part of the Adams Township High School District. The playground devices still on the school playground produce a nostalgic atmosphere. [Photo of the ghostly looking school house with a slide still in the yard.]

Scanned: March 9, 2009

Breweries - Park Brewing Company

Beverage Processing Plants, Breweries, , Few Portage Lake district people are aware that Houghton, back in 1906, almost had three breweries, Bosch or Scheuermann, Haas and Park. It was the original intent of the Park enterprise stockholders to construct a brewery on early famed Haas Park ground. Deference to Hancock being without a brewery, however, made for the change. To understand the early significance of Haas Park all one need do is read, "BREAKFAST IN HAAS PARK" by one of the early Haas family members, Evangeline Haas. [Photo of a Park Brewing Company stock certificate for one share at $100 each.]

Scanned: March 10, 2009

Cities and Towns - Pequaming

Historic Sites, Human Settlements, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family Pequaming is a quiet place these days. Few people visit the once active Hebbard and Ford sawmill site except on Sunday when motorists ribbon their way to the location for observation and retrospect. Only a few families live in the hamlet now. At one time over 64 houses were occupied with workers who were on the employment lists of either the Hebbard or Ford mill. One of the small frame grade school buildings has been removed from the hamlet. It now is being used at the Celotex site at LAnse. The other schools, three in number, still attest that Fords scheme of education was in vogue during the period his firm operated the mill. Pequaming is considered one of the more desirable scenic spots in the Upper Peninsula. The big mill site is under the Lawrence Walsh interest. The DesLaurier family still resides in the community. [Photo of the abandoned homes.]

Scanned: March 9, 2009

Street Hockey

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Hockey, Persons, Seasons, Winter This scene is no different than it has ever been for youth of the Copper Country through the years. This group of Hancock boys had a lot of fun perspiring in the fresh air on Elm Street. Copper Country boys of the junior and intermediate leagues and those who have played on college hockey teams at Michigan Tech and Michigan State and the several who have played in the National Hockey League, got their first taste of hockey on foot "rinks" such as this one. Some mom's supper had to wait as can be noted by grocery box on the sleigh in right foreground. [Several of the neighborhood boys have a game on the snow covered street.]

Scanned: March 9, 2009

Julie London at Memorial Airport

Airports, Airport Buildings, Musical Groups, [Photograph of three people standing outdoors in winter. Photograph ran on page 4 of the February 6, 1965 issue of the Daily Mining Gazette with the following caption: "Julie London, the famed songstress, arrived at Franklin Township's Memorial Airport Friday noon to be greeted by a delegation of Tech emissaries before whose student body she entertained last evening." "Shown greeting the star are Tech Carnival bigwigs, Dave Stallard, with glasses, and Don Truax."]

Scanned: November 7, 2006


Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Persons, Seasons, Winter [A couple gazes in amazement at the snow that completely covers their kitchen window.]

Scanned: March 9, 2009

Big Hockey Paws

Sports Personnel, Athletes, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Hockey, [Photograph of Michigan Tech goalie Rick Best and Colorado College Tigers goalie Bill Howard, published in the February 10, 1965 issue of the Daily Mining Gazette with the following caption: "Dee stadium fans witnessed a hearty handshake Friday evening on the occasion of the meeting between the Tech Huskies and the Colorado College Tigers. Above is shown Tiger Bill Howard felicitating Huskie backstopper Rick Best. Both performed excellently. The fans were loud in their praise for Howard because he was a miracle man in front of the meshes. Besides, he played the match with a partially "frozen" hand. Drugs were applied in this case because of a previous injury. Fans enjoyed the big paw episode which preceded the game delayed 25 minutes because of Howard's patching by the Tech physician (Gagnon of Gazette)." A report from the Monday, February 8 issue of the newspaper indicates that Best helped Tech to a 3-1 vicotry on Friday, while Tony Esposito was in goal for a 10-1 victory for the Saturday game.]

Scanned: September 24, 2009

Tony Esposito with NCAA trophy

Sports Personnel, Athletes, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Hockey, [Photograph of Michigan Tech goalie Tony Esposito holding NCAA hockey championship trophy. Banner in background reads "Michigan Tech N.C.A.A. Champs 64-65. Esposito was in goal for the championship game victory 8-2 over Boston College. Photo appeared in the Daily Mining Gazette, Monday, March 22, 1965.]

Scanned: November 7, 2006

Snow Transportation

Persons, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Seasons, Winter The Burcar boys of West Hancock find it easy to get about on their recently constructed snow cat which they manufactured at an expense of $250. In addition, the cat can pull two youths on skis or sleds if the runners are flat enough. The trio is shown in front of the car's city garage. From left, James, John and Tony. [The boys show off their home made snow machine.]

Scanned: March 9, 2009