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Hockey - Cyclone Taylor

Buildings, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Hockey, Cyclone Taylor didnt need any person to tell him about hockey exploits as he dropped the puck here Friday night to start the climatic contest between the North Dakota Sioux and Tech Huskies at the Student Ice Arena. He had competed in hundreds of gruelling puck contests in the past, contests way back to 1905 in the venerable Amphidrome near the spot on which Dee Stadium stands now. Here Tech Photographer Charles Eshbach has captured the scene just as the veteran wingman Taylor, 93, drops the puck after an absence from the area of 70 years. Dark shirted No. 11 is Cycs grandson, Mark, while No. 15 is Huskie Stu Ostland. [The hockey legend drops the puck at a crowded SDC.]

Scanned: January 19, 2009

Hockey - Cyclone Taylor

Persons, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Hockey, Probably the most noted hockey figure in the North American continent confines today is Fred (Cyclone) Taylor, the onetime member of the Portage Lake squad who now resides in Vancouver, B.C. Cyc arrived in the Copper Country via air from Grand Forks, N.D. and immediately took rooms at the Douglass House which he well knew when he played with the Portagers of 1905-06. Here is Sir Fred Taylor with his favorite pose for photographers. The scene is the Huskie Long Room in the Douglass House Thursday evening at 11:05 p.m. Taylor is a member of the Canadian Hall of Fame, Toronto, and played a hand in the movement to have Doc. J. L. Gibson be named as a cherished player in both the Canadian and U.S. Halls of Fame. [Head and shoulders photo of a dapper Cyclone Taylor.]

Scanned: January 19, 2009

Ice Fishing

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Aquatic Sports, Fishing, Seasons, Winter, One of the rites of spring took place in LAnse recently when ice fishermen brought in their shanties for the season. The shanties were lined up near the old LAnse dock, waiting to be towed away until next winter. It should be noted that at least a few brave ice fishermen still had their shacks out on the big lake when this picture was taken. [Several shanties are lined up on the shore.]

Scanned: January 19, 2009

Snow Removal

Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Seasons, Winter, Clearing a path for Spring. Hopefully, scenes such as this will be rare from now until May, but one never knows. Houghton city snow removal crews only a week ago had problems with rutted roads when spring weather arrived early. This scene was on Sixth Street. Officially, spring begins at 12:43 p.m. Sunday. No robins have been sighted as of yet, but Friday a crow made its presence over the Portage Lake district. [A Sno-Go machine chews up snow and spits it over the bank.]

Scanned: January 19, 2009

Boats - Concrete

Ships, , There are two Copper Country men working diligently these days on this concrete boat which currently is resting near the rectory of St. Mary's church in Mohawk where Fr. John Landreville resides. In Mohawk he is working on the craft with Dave Prehoda of Lake Linden. What is newsworthy about the boat now is that soon it will be turned over so that the cabin appoinmtents may be constructed. The boat was started back in 1973 and has not been worked on consistently but only at brief periods. During the past winter it has lain dormant under its plastic covering. It is attracing considerable attention in the Keweenaw country currently. [Image of a large boat shaped concrete structure.]

Scanned: January 22, 2009


Transportation, Railroads, , Business must have been good in the Ontonagon country last week which saw these three diesels necessary to pull the train north and west to Ontonagon from Channing. The road is the Milwaukee and the site here is the Ontonagon depot of former passenger train days. [Image of the battered train with the number 88 on the engine.]

Scanned: January 22, 2009

Post Offices - Watton

Buildings, Carriers, Postal Service, Persons [Two women stand outside of the post office in Watton, MI]

Scanned: January 22, 2009


Transportation, Persons, Back to the good old days, says Linda Acclacca as she reins in her horse at the little country store in Liminga. Here she is shown with neighbor Alfred Hiltunen, both of the Liminga suburbs as they arrive to shop. This mode of travel is not a stunt but the usual means of travel for Mr. and Mrs. Acclacca. Bill Brinkman asked if they received a rebate for the horse and buggy. "If there is a rebate," says Linda "it should be substantial in view of energy conservation and pollution control." [Photo of Linda pulling up to Sandy's store with her horse and buggy to do some shopping."]

Scanned: January 16, 2009

MTU Experimental Mine

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Engineering The entrance to the MTU experimental mines is located in East Hancock. The mine formerly was a ventilation shaft in the vast Quincy complex, and never was commercially mined. [Image of the ground level entrance to the mine.]

Scanned: January 15, 2009

Cities and Towns - Houghton - Sidewalk Sales

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, Persons, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns [Potential customers browse the racks of clothing and other items put on the sidewalk during "Sidewalk Sales" in Houghton.]

Scanned: January 15, 2009