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Buildings - Post Offices

Buildings, Public Buildings, Seasons, Winter, [Exterior view of the Post Office in Herman, Michigan. A U.S. flag is displayed on the side of the building near a bicycle, sleigh and snow shovels. A worn out broom stands in a snow bank near the entrance.]

Scanned: December 17, 2008

Businesses - Copper Country Products

Agriculture, Manufacturing Process, Jilbert Dairy [A carton of Jilbert's Vitamin D milk is displayed.]

Scanned: December 17, 2008

Sports and Recreation - Skating

Persons, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Skating, Transportation, Automotive Ontonagon children assemble in race formation at a skating rink not far from the Community building. From left, Joseph Ross, Lola Immonen, Robert Davison, Denise Harry, Nancy Harry, Eugen Koski, Sheila Store, June Davison, Diane Harry, Randa Koski and Susan Immonen. [The children gather at an outdoor rink wearing their skates and winter attire. A Dodge automobile is pictured in the background.]

Scanned: August 8, 2007

Biography - Mr. & Mrs. Elmar Piel

Persons, Seasons, Winter, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Skis and Skiing Mr. & Mrs. Elmar Piel ski on Mount Ripley with their daughter, Maria Christina, riding piggyback. [Image of the couple on the ski hill with their daughter on her father's back.]

Scanned: August 8, 2007

Snow Removal

Persons, Seasons, Winter, Street Cleaning, Snow Removal Calumet Village snow crews have been busy during the week hauling snow to its dumping ground. The snow in background extends high above truck for about 200 yards and provides an ideal skiing and tobogganing area for youths. [A man sits in a truck bearing the sign "Village of Calumet Street Dept." The sides of the back of the truck are made of wood.]

Scanned: August 8, 2007

Houghton Locations - Woodmar Drive

Persons, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Seasons, Winter Woodmar, Houghton's Michigan Tech student village. These mothers were spotted with offspring in tow, near Sherman Gymnasium. From left, Mrs. Susan Walker, Mrs. Ann Swartz, Gary Swartz, Marsha Lilley, Kevin Walker, Barbara Staley and Kimberley Staley. [Four mothers take their children for an outing.]

Scanned: August 8, 2007

Biography - Edgar Johnson

Persons, Buildings, Clubhouses, Directors and Officers of the Merchants and Miners Bank of Calumet honored Edgar Johnson, President at a dinner party at the Miscowaubik Club in Calumet. Seated from left are Paul W. Koljonen, Assistant Cashier; Oscar E. Holmstrom, Vice-President and Trust Officer; Herman Haas, Chairman of the Board and Girvin N. Roos, Assistant Cashier. Standing from left are T. J. Lepisto, Director; R. S. Koivunen, Director; George Craze, Jr. Cashier; Rudolph J. Vertin, Vice President; Burton C. Peterson, Director and Michael Sunich, Jr., Manager Laurium Branch and Assistant Cashier. [Image of the bank officials at the Miscowaubik Club.]

Scanned: August 10, 2007

Snow Removal

Seasons, Winter, Winter Storms, Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns Snow removal in the Copper Country has reached a high degree of efficiency. Shelden Avenue in Houghton is pictured after a heavy storm that reach blizzard proportions. With a total fall of five feet thus far this season, it will appear phenomenal to an outsider to see the streets cleaned almost down to the bare sidewalk. Snow researchers from foreign countries come to the CC to study local methods and equipment. [Image of the snow removal process in downtown Houghton.]

Scanned: August 10, 2007

Porcupine Mountain Ski Resort

Recreation Area, Resorts, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Skis and Skiing, Transportation, Automotive A dozen or more buses frequent the Porcupine Mountain ski area during a weekend. Here a Stockley bus out of Rhinelander, WI rests on the lower parking area while its passengers ski in the Michigan State Park. Ahead of the Rhinelander bus is a Greyhound bus. Between 600 and 1,000 people are on the premises each Saturday and Sunday. [Image of Fred J. Stockley's bus.]

Scanned: August 10, 2007

Porcupine Mountain Ski Resort

Recreation Area, Resorts, Buildings, Persons Way up in the highlands of the Porcupine Ski Resort is this little abode under supervision of Ed Goninan. His duty is to supervise the top of the hill and watch that any riders do not "go through the tow". He has the power of stopping the lift to ward off accidents. His post is 2800 feet above the tow's rest and snack hut, and in an area of virgin timber. [Picture of Ed standing next to the small structure. A toboggan rests against the building.]

Scanned: August 10, 2007