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Buildings - Churches

Buildings, Church Buildings, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Theres no graceful way to remove a steeple, so the top of Lake Lindens Holy Rosary Church is now toppled and shattered next to the church. The 75 year-old church, unused since 1968, is being rebuilt into a craft shop and apartments. [Toppled remains of the top of the church are pictured. The L & M Variety store can be seen across the street.]

Scanned: January 8, 2009


Seasons, Winter, Buildings, Dwellings, What may be the Copper Country's most complex winter walkway belongs to Walter Lindala of Chassell. It serves a house, three cabins, and a driveway and has two intersections and a long curve. [Good example of a way to avoid shoveling.]

Scanned: January 8, 2009


Burials, Cemeteries, Woody Plants, Trees, An otherwise unmarked grave at the Indian Cemetery in LAnse bears a flag showing that departed doesnt mean forgotten. [Image of a shingled struture in the Indian Cemetery.]

Scanned: January 7, 2009


Buildings, Public Buildings, Public Baths, Persons, A sauna is often called the poor man's pharmacy as the bottom inscripton on this stool reads. Werner Savela of Tapiola has made about 15 of the multi-colored sauna stools for relatives but says he will probably not get into the stool business. Savela is a well-known graphic artist in the area. The message on the top of the stool reads, "While you're in our humble hut, let me bear your weary butt." [Photo of Mr. Savela and one of his creations.]

Scanned: January 8, 2009


Burials, Cemeteries, Woody Plants, Trees, This well-maintained building is in the Karki Hill Cemetery in the Otter Lake community of Askel. The one-acre burial grounds, donated to the community in the last century, is still active and unfilled. [Photo of a shingled building with a cross and a padlock on the door.]

Scanned: January 7, 2009

Mine Shafts

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Persons, Students in a Michigan Tech geophysics field course found a sudden change in surface topography when they came upon a cave-in of a shaft of the old Hancock Mine at White, Shafter and Pine streets in Hancock. Art Ettlinger measures the depth to a ledge, which is 25 feet. The diameter of the gaping hole is about 12 feet. The students have been doing preliminary work in the area, mapping the layout of old underground workings that could possibly lead to furture subsidence, and have been walking on top of the shaft a few days earlier. The shafts' cave-in was blamed on its never having been properly sealed. The city has fenced and posted the hazard until steps are taken to correct it.

Scanned: January 7, 2009


Historic Sites, Memorials, Manpower, Labor, No plaque tells the story of this rock submarine floating on the grass alongside U.S. 41 in Kearsarge. The U-boat reproduction was a WPA project to provide work during the depression. The Houghton County Road Commission furnished the idea and some of the materials, WPA provided labor, and School District No. 2 (now part of the Calumet Public Schools) also donated materials. [Photo of the stone boat sculpture complete with guns.]

Scanned: January 7, 2009

Buildings - Haas Brewing Co.

Buildings, Beverage Processing Plants, Breweries, The Mattila Co. of Houghton began removing the onetime A. Haas Co. bottling structure from the Houghton scene this morning. Although the last days of the building was as a fish house of the Ristell Co., the earliest times featured the building as the bottling shop of the Haas Brewing Co. which was established in Houghton in 1858. The company closed during prohibiiton but reopened in 1933. Because the Haas Co. ultimately moved to Hancock where it utilized the buildings of the former Park Brewing Co., the bottling shop near the lakefront had no further use. The building is being removed to make room for the parking area to be incidental to the new parking deck being erected in Houghton near the Penney's store rear entrance. [Image of the demolition of the building.]

Scanned: January 7, 2009

Cities and Towns - Houghton

Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, , College Avenue residents may have lost trees, but they gained new lawns. Their new sewer is in, sidewalks have been relaid, and now sod piles wait alongside the road - new front yards, ready to be set in place. [Image of pallets of sod lining the sidewalk.]

Scanned: January 7, 2009

Fire Fighters

Fire Department, Officials and Employees, Fire Fighters, , [Members of the Calumet Township fire department wear shirts asking for directions to Calumet.]

Scanned: January 7, 2009