Buildings - Shops - Barbershops |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Barbershops, Human Settlements, |
Exterior - Barber Shop [Same image as MTU Neg. 00344]
Scanned: August 9, 2006 |

Buildings - Shops - Barbershops |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Barbershops, Human Settlements, |
Exterior - Barber Shop [Same shop as Neg. 00348 and Neg. 00344 showing the front of the building.]
Scanned: August 9, 2006 |

Buildings - Houses - Exterior |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Human Settlements, |
House - unidentified [A two-family building surrounded by a wooden fence. The house numbers "167 and 169" can be seen.]
Scanned: August 10, 2006 |

Buildings - Houses - Exterior |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, |
House - unidentified [A duplex type of house is shown.]
Scanned: August 9, 2006 |

Street Scenes |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Transportation, Roads |
Street Scene - Unidentified [Row of identical houses line both sides of the dirt road.]
Scanned: August 9, 2006 |

Street Scenes |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Transportation, Roads |
Street Scene - Unidentified [Two small children walk on a dirt road lined with identical homes.]
Scanned: August 9, 2006 |

Buildings - Stores - Atlantic Mine |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, |
Atlantic Mine Meat Market [Image of the market with a display of Mason Jars in the window. A Star Soap sign is attached to the building. A wagon rests by the side of the market.]
Scanned: August 9, 2006 |

Buildings - Houses - Exterior |
Buildings, Farm Buildings, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, |
House and Shed - unidentified [A tar paper shed is pictured. Entry holes in the top of the shack may accommodate pigeons? Two ducks roam the yard. ]
Scanned: October 23, 2006 |

Cities & Towns - Unidentified - Street Scenes |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Transportation, Roads, |
Street Scene - unknown [A group of houses surrounded by a wooden fence. The numbers 1 and 2 have been placed on the dirt road and anchored with rocks.]
Scanned: August 10, 2006 |

Cities & Towns - Unidentified - Street Scenes |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Transportation, Roads, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns |
Street Scene - unknown [Rather dark photo showing houses lining both sides of the dirt road. The houses on one side of the road have wooden fences in front of them and the other side has wire fences.]
Scanned: August 9, 2006 |