Reunion - Michigan College of Mines |
Reunions, Class Reunions, Retail Trade, Stores, Retail, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns |
Michigan College of Mines Reunion - Houghton [Photo of buildings decked out for alumni visitors. The A. Haas Brewing Company, James T. Healy Agency, dry goods store selling hats, gloves, cloaks, suits and furs are pictured.]
Scanned: July 31, 2006 |

Ships |
Locomotion, Boats and Boating, Workboats, Tugboats, Inland Navigation, Canals, Seasons, Winter |
Ships - Moreland Wrecking crew, Reid's Tugs Sarnia City, and Manistique coming in canal for shelter. [The ships are pictured in a ice covered canal.]
Scanned: August 8, 2006 |

Buildings - Houses - Houghton |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Transportation, Automotive, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns |
G. C. Shelden House - Houghton [Beautiful residence with porch. Curtains have been installed to block out the sun. Good architectural detail. A vintage automobile is parked in the driveway.]
Scanned: August 8, 2006 |

Ships |
Inland Navigation, Canals, Locomotion, Boats and Boating, Workboats, Tugboats, Seasons, Winter |
Ships on ice. Reid Wrecking Co. Tug's forcing their way out of the canal December 15, 1910 bound for St. Moreland 10 below zero. [The names of Capt. Hayes and Capt. Crockett are written on the front of the photo.]
Scanned: August 8, 2006 |

Buildings - Construction |
Brotherhoods, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Buildings, Clubhouses |
Cornerstone laying, Masonic Temple [A crowd of people attend the ceremony on a snowy day. A band with their instruments and a building with Pillsbury Flour written on the side of the building can be seen.]
Scanned: August 8, 2006 |

Buildings - Interior |
Buildings, Dwellings, Manners and Customs, |
Interior room (relates to 00346 and 00347) [Depressing view of someone's sleeping quarters.]
Scanned: August 8, 2006 |

Buildings -Houses - Exterior |
Buildings, Dwellings, Manners and Customs, |
Exterior of building [Image of a run down building. A mop hangs near the entrance. A Bosch Brewing Co. box sits on a pile of stones. What appears to be a chicken coop is directly outside the main entrance door. A discarded wash tub lays on it's side.]
Scanned: August 8, 2006 |

Buildings - Stores - Unidentified |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, Human Settlements, |
Exterior building - store. [A very poor photo of a retail store that looks like it may have living quarters on the upper floors. ]
Scanned: August 9, 2006 |

Buildings - Shops - Barbershops |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Barbershops, , |
Interior of barbershop. [The inside of the shop showing a Victorian wood stove, the barber chair, equipment and waiting area. A spittoon sits under one of the chairs. Stacks of newspapers are tossed on a table and floor.]
Scanned: August 9, 2006 |

Buildings - Shops - Barbershops |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Barbershops, , |
Interior Building [Another view of the same babershop in Neg. #00346 showing the other side of the room.]
Scanned: August 9, 2006 |