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1913-1914 Strike

Peace Officers, Police, Seasons, Winter, Labor Movements Calumet & Hecla Mounted Police - Hired by the mining company after solidiers were withdrawn by Gov. of state. These special deputies acted to preserve the peace. [The deputies wearing star badges line up with their horses.]

Scanned: June 7, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Persons, Labor Movements, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns Strikers morning parade at Mohawk through miners dwelling location. This was early in strike while soldiers were here. [Several people walk down the railroad tracks carrying a flag. A little child looks on.]

Scanned: June 7, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Persons, Labor Movements, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns Ahmeek parade of strikers headed by women on morning of October, 1913. In strikers picketing parades, women and children went first. [The picketers march on joined by a dog.]

Scanned: June 7, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Persons, Labor Movements, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns Looking up Fifth Street, Calumet. Parade just prior to strike. [People crowd the street. Several hang out of windows of buildings. Awning on one building displays the sign "Paivalehti Publishing Co."]

Scanned: June 8, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Armed Forces, Soldiers, Buildings, Labor Movements This boy chased a striker upstairs in Union Hall - was arrested for shooting the striker. Boy was attacked and pulled out his gun in self defense. Photo of Lloyd Lyman and another man , both on horses. [Lloyd shot Philip Mihelcich]

Scanned: June 8, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Armed Forces, Soldiers, Buildings, Church Buildings, Labor Movements Soldiers on strike duty - Calumet, Mich. 1913. Field back of Fifth Street Calumet. [A boy dressed in knickers poses next to what appears to be a medical wagon. St.Anne's church is in background]

Scanned: June 11, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Armed Forces, Soldiers, Buildings, Labor Movements Soldiers headquarters during the strike of 1913-14. Armory at Calumet. [View of the campsite and armory building.]

Scanned: June 8, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Armed Forces, Soldiers, Buildings, Labor Movements Soldiers on strike duty - Calumet, MI 1913. Arrival of soldiers at beginning of strike, July 26, 1913 at Calumet. [Soldiers carrying bed rolls and rifles march across a dirt road.]

Scanned: June 11, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Armed Forces, Soldiers, Buildings, Labor Movements Soldiers on duty No. 15 shaft C & H. [The camp near the shafthouse is pictured.]

Scanned: June 8, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Armed Forces, Soldiers, Labor Movements, Military Structures Soldiers Scene during strike. [A soldier stands guard with a rifle outside a fenced area containing numerous tents.]

Scanned: June 8, 2007