Italian Hall Disaster |
Accidents, Disasters, Labor Movements |
Fire escape - Italian Hall. Side door fire escape of Italian Hall. This hall is where 73 were crushed in stairway leading to front door upon an alarm of "Fire" [Photo of the door of the fire escape. A light fixture is above the door.]
Scanned: June 15, 2007 |

Italian Hall Disaster |
Accidents, Buildings, Public Buildings, Municipal Buildings, City, Labor Movements |
Town Hall which was used as a morgue. Red Jacket Town Hall. [Image of the ornate sandstone building with its clock tower and steeple.]
Scanned: June 15, 2007 |

Italian Hall Disaster |
Accidents, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Persons |
Flag incident in Sept. 1913 in which strikers were accused of tearing up American Flag maliciously, during a parade in front of Italian Hall. [A crowd of people gather in doorways and hang out of windows. Several American Flags can be seen above the crowd.]
Scanned: June 15, 2007 |

Italian Hall Disaster |
Accidents, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Burials, Cemeteries |
Speaking in cemetery burial of 73 victims. Funeral orations given by strike agitators at the graves of dead from the Italian Hall Disaster Xmas Eve 1913 at Calumet. Union secured moving pictures of this funeral. [A crowd of people gather at the cemetery.]
Scanned: June 18, 2007 |

Italian Hall Disaster |
Accidents, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Burials, Cemeteries |
Trench in which the victims were laid. Grave of dead of Italian Hall Disaster Xmas Eve 1913. {People gather at the sides of the trench.]
Scanned: June 19, 2007 |

Italian Hall Disaster |
Accidents, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns |
A view of the funeral of the Moyer victims of the Italian Hall Disaster which occurred on Xmas Eve, 1913. X Sullivan - Pres. of Hancock local - miners at Hancock, MI. Victims of Moyerism. [X on front of photo indicates Mr. Sullivan. People gather on both sides of the street. One man holds a tuba.]
Scanned: June 18, 2007 |

Italian Hall Disaster |
Accidents, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Burials |
Funeral of the victims of the Italian Hall Disaster Xmas Eve, 1913. Sixth Street, Calumet. Notice - "Victims of Western Federation of Miners". [A crowd of people march down Sixth Street. Signs for the Peninsula Market and Peter Martnac can be seen.]
Scanned: June 19, 2007 |

Italian Hall Disaster |
Accidents, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Burials |
Funeral - Italian Hall Disaster Christmas Eve, 1913. Three children from one family. [A autmobile bearing the name Chalmers Service carries three white coffins. Several people follow the vehicle.]
Scanned: June 18, 2007 |

1913-1914 Strike |
Persons, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Buildings, Public Buildings |
P. H. OBrien, Circuit Judge. Houghton County Judge during strike 1913-14 who dissolved his own injunction and was reprimanded by Supreme Court. [Judge OBrien stands on steps enclosed by sandstone railings.]
Scanned: June 18, 2007 |

1913-1914 Strike |
Persons, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Buildings, Public Buildings |
Anthony Lucas, Prosecuting Attorney. During strike of 1913-14. [Attorney Lucas stands on steps enclosed by sandstone railings.]
Scanned: June 18, 2007 |