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Cities & Towns - Calumet

Human Settlements, Buildings, Church Buildings, Railroads, Buildings and Structures D.S.S.&A depot, in background - Calumet [View of the town taken from underneath the trestle.]

Scanned: March 10, 2008

C&H snow plow

Transportation, Railroads, Seasons, Winter, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining C&H snow plow [A photo of a dedicated snow plow locomotive.]

Scanned: December 14, 2005

Quincy Reclamation Dredge

Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Copper Mines and Mining, Water, Lakes, Quincy Number 2 Reclamation Dredge, previously the C & H Number 1 Dredge.

Scanned: July 27, 2012

Cities & Towns - Calumet

Human Settlements, Buildings, Buildings, Church Buildings General View of Calumet - [Photo showing various buildings. Smoke stacks and church steeples stand out against the horizon.]

Scanned: March 11, 2008

Stamp Mills - Quincy

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Water, Lakes, View from roof of Quincy Stamp Mill [Bird's eye view of mining operations]

Scanned: February 1, 2008

Quincy No. 1 Dredge

Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Copper Mines and Mining, Water, Lakes, Dredges and Dredging, No. 1 Sank January 15, 1956.

Scanned: July 27, 2012

Cities & Towns - Calumet

Human Settlements, Buildings, Woody Plants, Trees [View of a residential area of Calumet. A fenced in area could possibly be a orchard in the making?]

Scanned: March 13, 2008

Copper Mines & Mining - Companies - Calumet & Hecla

Buildings, Seasons, Winter, C & H engine house in background. [Winter scene of the engine house with a large smoke stack.]

Scanned: March 26, 2008

Cities & Towns - Calumet

Railroads, Buildings and Structures, Buildings, Church Buildings, Buildings, Church Buildings DSS&A Depot in background. [The steeple of St. Mary's Catholic church peeks over the trestle. A water tower stands by the railroad tracks.]

Scanned: March 11, 2008

Cities and Towns - Hancock

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, Transportation, Roads, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns Quincy Street - Hancock [Good photo of a busy downtown Hancock in the early days. Businesses line both sides of the dirt road. A sandwich board on the sidewalk advertises the City Restaurant. A boy pouts on the other side of the street.]

Scanned: April 4, 2008