Education - Textbooks |
Persons, , |
[A form for ordering High School Text Books. A good example of what was being taught in the 1930's]
Scanned: October 22, 2010 |

Sacred Heart Dramatic Guild |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, , |
[Flyer announcing "The Passion Play" presented by the Sacred Heart Dramatic Guild, arranged by Rev. Father Adrian, O.F.M given each Thursday of the 1932 Lenten Season at the Sacred Heart High School Auditorium.]
Scanned: October 25, 2010 |

Gitche Gumee Camp |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, , |
[Advertising card for Gitche Gumee Camp "In the Land of Hiawatha" on Lake Superior. For the REST of your life. Cabins - Cottages, Clean - Quiet - Comfortable on M-26 Eagle River, MI.]
Scanned: October 26, 2010 |

Calumet & Hecla Semi-Centennial Celebration |
Historic Sites, Historic Mines, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining |
Overview of C&H semi-centennial celebration in 1916. This view is to the east and shows the area where the speeches and presentations took place. This was the "commons", later Agassiz Park, now apartments for retired folks. Calumet #2 shaft house, Calumet boiler house, Superior engine house, drill shops, Calumet dry, MacNaughton's light tower, the powerhouse, and the C&H office building are in the background. View was probably made from the roof of Vertin's store since Mrs. Fred Haun and Mrs. John Vertin were sisters and Fred Haun had worked for Vertin's during his high school years.
Scanned: March 10, 2011 |

St. Clair Mine |
Historic Sites, Historic Mines, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, |
St. Clair Mine [A photo of an early mine site. A shafthouse, rockhouse, stamp mill and two saltbox dwellings are visible. The site is de-forested and located by a stream. The negative is imprinted with the words "St Clair Mine, 177, Photo by Isler".]
Scanned: May 1, 2006 |

Phoenix Mine |
Historic Sites, Historic Mines, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, |
Phoenix Mine [A photo of an early mine site. A number of dwellings are visible in the foreground with an abandoned shafthouse behind. The negative is imprinted with the words "Phoenix Mine, Photo by Isler, 168". The original photo is overexposed and damaged.]
Scanned: May 1, 2006 |

Calumet and Hecla - World's Columbian Exposition |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, , |
Calumet and Hecla - World's Columbian Exposition [A photo of C&H's exhibit at the World's Columbian Exposition. Stacks of copper are in the foreground with models of mine structures behind. The C&H exhibit was one of several from Michigan mining companies.]
Scanned: May 1, 2006 |

Cities and Towns - Houghton |
Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Transportation, Bridges |
[View of what may be College Avenue and some of the grand homes that used to be. A large vegetable garden is visible as well as the Portage Lake Bridge. Quincy Hill is practically barren.]
Scanned: June 10, 2009 |

Copper Mines - Osceola |
Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Copper Mines and Mining, Manpower, Labor, |
Underground Osceola Dumping Car [Three miners dump a load of ore.]
Scanned: June 10, 2009 |

Copper Mines - Tamarack |
Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Copper Mines and Mining, Manpower, Labor, Buildings |
Miners No. 3 (?) Shaft North Tamarack Mine [Miners pose for above ground photo next to a building that has a "No Smoking Allowed" sign.]
Scanned: June 10, 2009 |