Recreation - Dancing |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, , |
Attend the President's Ball - Proceeds to Help Fight Infantile Paralysis - Calumet Armory. Music by Northern Collegians combined with Mandan Hayseeds featering 3 singing violins. Novelties Galore. Favors 3 Birthday Cakes given away as door prizes. Dancing 9 to 1. Admission, 25c.
Scanned: October 29, 2010 |

Official Strike Ballot - Calumet and Hecla Copper Workers |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Labor Movements, Miners, Copper Miners |
Official Strike Ballot of Calumet & Hecla Copper Workers Local 584, C.I.O. [Copy of the strike ballot requesting (a) 12 1/2 cts. per hour increase (b) 6 paid Holidays (c) Hospital plan paid by Company (d) 30 day wage re-opening (e) Otherwise contract to remain as is. John Sitar was listed as Pres. and Leonard Wasberg as Sec'y.]
Scanned: October 22, 2010 |

Recreation - Dancing |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, , |
Carnival Dance Independence Day Celebration [A poster announcing a Carnival Dance sponsored by the Keweenaw Workers Alliance at the Ahmeek Fire Hall. Music was provided by the Harmony Twisters. Admission was 15 cents..]
Scanned: October 22, 2010 |

Recreation - Skating |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Skating, , |
Skating Party [A poster announcing the Fourth Annual Skating Party given by the Calumet Booster Club to be held at the Colosseum on Wednesday, Feb. 2 year unknown. Music provided by the Keweenaw Band featuring Moonlight Numbers and a Grand March. Admission was 25 cents.]
Scanned: October 22, 2010 |

Recreation - Plays |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, , |
[Front of a booklet filled with advertising of local establishments. The play "When a Girl Loves" or "For the Love of Johnny" by Harry Hamilton was presented by the Y.M.C.C. Thespian Club and held at the Sacred Heart High School Auditorium. The play was a drama with a vein of comedy running through. "An orphan girl has been defrauded of her inheritance and receives nothing but unkind treatment from those who derive the benefit of what should be hers. The girl regains what is lawfully hers and the villian goes to an untimely end."]
Scanned: October 22, 2010 |

Recreation - Dancing |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Musical Groups, |
Hallowe'en Dancing Party [Flyer announcing "U.R. Invited to attend the Hallowe'en Dancing Party given by B=HAP=E Club at the Red Jacket Town Hall - Music by MacNords Orchestra - Dancing 9 to 1, Ladies, 25 cents - Gents., 50 cents.]
Scanned: October 22, 2010 |

Upper Peninsula Circus and Exposition |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, , |
Circus and exposition under Auspices of Knights of Columbus, Calumet Council, No. 1245. [A flyer announcing the event to be held all next week at the Colosseum with 4 Professional Acts including Tetter Board Champions, 16 trained dogs; wire rope artists and a comedy act. 6 beautiful prizes given away free including a gas stove or $50 cash, a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, an electric radio, a velour parlor suite and a 2 door Chevrolet Sedan. Dancing every evening is included.]
Scanned: October 22, 2010 |

Political Candidates - John McCarthy |
Persons, , |
Political Advertisement Card for John McCarthy seeking the office of County Treasurer on the Republican Ticket. "A Public Servant Obliges Nobody"
Scanned: October 22, 2010 |

Political Candidates - John Wiitanen |
Persons, , |
[Political Advertisement Card for John Wiitanen seeking a 2nd term as Houghton County Sheriff.]
Scanned: October 22, 2010 |

Recreation - Picnics |
Persons, , |
[Notice of the Sacred Heart School Picnic at Electric Park. Four Motorbike Bicycles Given Away. Balloons - Dolls - Toys - Canes - Candy - Ice Cream - Soft Drinks - Games - Music - Luncheon - Coffee - Refreshments. Dancing in the evening - Mandan Hayseeds. Free transportation to the park. Admission Adults 10 cents. Children Free.
Scanned: October 22, 2010 |