Road Construction

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• After doing some additional research, I have been able to come up with an exact location for what was High Bridge," as is referenced in the description of the subject photograph. Contrary to what both Gregg Patrick and I had earlier thought-----that "High Bridge" was near Agate Harbor-----(i. e., where Glazon Creek "dumps" into North Agate Harbor Bay), such is not the case. Rather, "High Bridge" is much further east, much closer to Copper Harbor. Specifically, "High Bridge" is located on Lakeshore Drive (M-26) approximately 1.0 miles west of the intersection of M-26 and the eastern terminus of Brockway Mountain Drive. The scene in the photograph is one of the "curves" just prior to the "big curve" where M-26 swings to the north as it heads to "Devils Washtub." I visited the location the weekend before last with Paul Bergh. Bergh told me that the location was called "High Bridge," because, prior to the construction of M-26, there was a "high wooden bridge" that spanned the ravine (now the location of a deep, filled, culvert) of the "wagon road." Additionally, Bergh told me that the photos "2008-08-18-08-A" and "2008-08-18-08-C" are of the exact same place-----within a few feet of each other-----both at "High Bridge." Bergh pointed out to me, in comparing the photos, that several of the birch/poplar trees along the side of the road do appear to "match up"----what is "different" in photo "A" is that shadows are obscuring the rocks-----rocks located along the south side of the road and which are otherwise clearly observable in photo "C." I would suggest for your consideration that a better description for the photgraph would be something along these lines: Date: 1933 Description: Lakeshore Drive (now state highway M-26) approximately 1.0 mile west of Copper Harbor in Keweenaw County. Getting ready to pull stumps near "High Bridge," formerly a ravine area located along the north side on M-26, just before the "big curve" which turns to the north and heads to Devils Washtub. -- Paul LaVanway "
9/23/2008 4:24:13 PM by Anonymous