Title: Lumbering - Sawmills
Photographer: Adolf Isler
Subject Headings: Manufacturing Process - Mills and Millwork - Saw Mills, Transportation - Railroads - Street - Railroads, Water - Rivers
Condition: Good
Description: Marquette Dead River sawmill, Presque Isle [A man wearing a badge is one of the passengers riding a trolley car through the sawmill site. The trolley bears a sign "Marquette City & Presque Isle Park". Logs are seen floating on the water and smoke billows out of the stacks at the mill building.]
Source of Description: Back of photo [cataloger]
Institution: Michigan Technological University Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections
Donor: Roy Drier
Date of Photo: undated
Medium: still image
Color: black and white
Size: 24.5 cm x 19.5 cm
Polarity: Negative
Image No: MTU Neg 00605
Collection Name: Roy Drier Photograph Collection
Terms of Use: Rights to reproduce and distribute this image may be restricted. Contact the Michigan Technological University Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections for further information.
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