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Name:Ron Paavo
MTU Class of:
The white dog in front is a Russian Wolfhound whose name was Pal. It belonged to my Uncle by marriage. I remember it as a friendly dog that was let loose in the yard out Uncle Charlie and Aunt Toini's residence in Heinola district.
3/19/2016 4:36:36 PM by Anonymous
• Gathered here were Louis Longpre, Yalmer Makela, Ed Laurn, Norbert Kahn and his wife Jean, all of Hancock; Fred Rose, Ted Holmes, Ralph Engman of Dollar Bay; John Greiner of Skanee; Walter and Roy Koski of Aura; August Rintala, Earl and Sherwood Rintala of Houghton Canal; Charles Koski of Heinola; Dr. John W. Nara of Chassell; Sg. Larry DeBlasio, Paul Swift, Paul LaBine of Houghton, Jim Tollefson of L'Anse; Bill Kolehmainen of Toivola, Bill Brinkman of Redridge, Raymond Durocher of Freda, Henry Guibault of Houghton, and Ron Vuckson and Arnie Johnson, students at Tech.(Daily Mining Gazette article, Tuesday, March 11, 1958, page 7)
8/22/2007 1:09:08 PM by Christine Holland, Archives