Subject Headings: Manners and Customs - Festivals, Persons, Brotherhoods - Monasticism and Religious Orders
Condition: Good
Description: Spring Fling Mudball [Students frolic in the mud.]
Source of Description: Negative sleeve [Cataloger]
Institution: Michigan Technological University Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections
Donor: MTU Communication Services
Date of Photo: May 1999
Medium: still image
Color: color
Size: 3 cm x 3 cm
Polarity: Negative
Image No: MTU004-229-29832-32
Collection Name: MTU Communication Services Photograph Collection
Terms of Use: Rights to reproduce and distribute this image may be restricted. Contact the Michigan Technological University Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections for further information.
User Comments:
• Why does this image come up under brotherhoods? The brotherhood of mudball? Is this a fraternity group playing? For that matter it could also be grouped under buildings - contruction (or some such) since the building in the background is under construction. - Jennifer 10/2/2008 8:52:18 AM by Anonymous
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10/2/2008 8:52:18 AM by Anonymous