Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company |
Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Engineering, Surveying, Geography |
Photograph No.23. Property notice at point "I". [A man stands by a wooden signpost. A stone cairn is visible nearby]
Scanned: April 10, 2008 |

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company |
Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Engineering, Surveying, Geography |
Photograph No.24. Looking up Valley No.2 from point "V". [A view of a valley with a river drainage at the bottom. The valley is surrounded by snowy mountains]
Scanned: April 10, 2008 |

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company |
Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Miners, Geography |
Photograph No. 4. Old Entry at Mine No. 2, showing face of ice sheet over portal. Original entry (1912) was run about 7 ft. higher. [A man stands in a cut in a hillside which leads to a tall tunnel. Drill steels and a pick rest on the side of the cut]
Scanned: April 10, 2008 |

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company |
Ships, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, |
S.S. "William D. Munroe". Owned and operated by Arctic Coal Company, Tromso, Norway. [Blueprint elevation and plan diagrams of a medium sized steam ship.]
Scanned: May 14, 2008 |

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company |
Harbors, Docks, Geography, Maps, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources |
[Map of a valley by Advent Bay showing a coal mine, small settlement, and dock.]
Scanned: May 14, 2008 |

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company |
Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Geography, Maps, |
Sketch Map Green Harbor Mine Ayer & Longyear. [Blueprint plan of a coal mine.]
Scanned: June 24, 2008 |

Daniel Brockway |
Persons, , |
Daniel Brockway [Studio portrait of Mr. Brockway holding a walking cane? and not looking at the camera.]
Scanned: October 7, 2010 |

Daniel Brockway |
Persons, , |
Daniel Brockway [Studio portrait of Mr. Brockway.]
Scanned: October 7, 2010 |

Blacksmith Shop |
Manpower, Labor, Skilled Labor, , |
[Man working in blacksmith shop. Location unknown.]
Scanned: November 22, 2010 |

Cities and Towns - Unknown |
Human Settlements, Buildings, Woody Plants, Trees |
[View of what may be the town of Phoenix showing mining operations and the settlement of the town.]
Scanned: October 4, 2007 |