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Sports - Men's Basketball

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Ball Games, Basketball, Buildings, Sport Facilities, Basketball Jerry Muff

Scanned: October 13, 2008

Campus Groups

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Aquatic Sports, Persons, [Members of the swim team are pictured.]

Scanned: July 13, 2007

Sports - Hockey

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Hockey, Sports Personnel, MacInnes at 1968 hockey games. [The coach and another gentlemen pay attention to the action on the rink.]

Scanned: July 29, 2009


Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Hockey, Persons, Huskies vs Wisconsin [The spectators look extremely bored.]

Scanned: August 7, 2009

MTU Sports - Basketball - Men's

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Ball Games, Basketball, Persons, Buildings Basketball - Men's [View of game being played in the gym.]

Scanned: August 27, 2010

Michigan Tech hockey coach Herb Boxer speaking to players from bench.

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Hockey, , Hockey Bench Photos [Michigan Tech hockey coach Herb Boxer speaking to unidentified players from bench.]

Scanned: January 11, 2006

Michigan Tech Football

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Ball Games, Football, Persons, MTU vs. Northern Michigan University [The players are cheered on as they head to the field.]

Scanned: July 25, 2008

Keweenaw Research Center

Persons, Transportation, Automotive, Keweenaw Research Center - Institute of Snow Research - Chevron Car Donation

Scanned: December 7, 2009

Campus Scene

Seasons, Woody Plants, Trees, Persons [Students walk on campus as the leaves fall.]

Scanned: July 13, 2007

Campus Views

Seasons, Woody Plants, Trees, Persons [Two students enjoy the fall colors]

Scanned: July 13, 2007