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Smelting, , Diagram [Diagram of what may be a reverbratory furnace]

Scanned: September 20, 2006


Smelting, , Diagram [Diagram of front and side view of what may be a blast furnace]

Scanned: September 20, 2006


Smelting, , Diagram [Diagram of a smelting furnace]

Scanned: September 20, 2006

Michigan Mining School

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Buildings, Surveying Equipment, Michigan Mining School [Several pieces of surveying equipment sit in a classroom]

Scanned: September 21, 2006

Buildings - Unidentified

Buildings, , Buildings - Unidentified [Interior view of a brick room. A unknown piece of equipment sits on a wooden work bench.]

Scanned: September 21, 2006


Buildings, , Metal working machine [A large piece of machinery in a brick room.]

Scanned: September 21, 2006

Michigan Mining School

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Buildings, Persons Chemistry Lab - Michigan Mining School [Interior view of the lab showing students working on experiments. Numerous bottles of chemicals line the lab tables.]

Scanned: September 21, 2006


Smelting, , Diagram [Diagram of what may be a smelting furnace]

Scanned: September 21, 2006

Copper Refining

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, , Diagram of Electrolyte Refining of Copper [A plate drawing of an apparatus for refining copper]

Scanned: September 21, 2006

Michigan Mining School

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Buildings, Lab, Michigan Mining School [Interior view of one of the labs showing a room with hardwood floors. Long tables stand on each side of the room. Walls are lined with cabinets containing several drawers. Rock specimens sit in the glass cabinets at one end of the room.]

Scanned: September 21, 2006