Blasting Powder Order Form- The Peninsula Powder Co. |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Industries, |
Order slip from Quincy Mining Company to the Peninsula Powder Company for $1336.50. The Peninsula Powder Company operated out of Iron Mountain, Michigan.
Scanned: September 23, 2011 |

Blasting Powder Order Form- Lake Superior Powder Co. |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Industries, |
Order slip from Quincy Mining Company to Lake Superior Powder Company. The Lake Superior Powder Company operated out of Iron Marquette, Michigan.
Scanned: September 23, 2011 |

Blasting Powder Order Form- Hancock Chemical Co. |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Industries, |
Order slip from Quincy Mining Company to Hancock Chemical Company. Hancock Chemical Company operated out of Dollar Bay, Michigan.
Scanned: September 23, 2011 |

Stannard Rock Crew |
Persons, Aids to Navigation, Lighthousers, |
Crew of Stannard Rock, Wilks 3rd from left, Sormumen kneeling. [Image shows four men standing on a deck.]
Scanned: May 7, 2015 |

Louis Wilks |
Persons, Aids to Navigation, Lighthousers, |
Louis Wilks playing solitaire on Stannard Rock circa 1954. [Image shows keeper Louis Wilks smoking a pipe and playing cards.]
Scanned: May 7, 2015 |

Hennes Men |
Persons, , |
Hennes young men. Standing left to right: Leo, Adolph; sitting left to right: Theodore Edwin.
Scanned: November 21, 2012 |

Catherin Huber Hennes |
Persons, , |
Catherin Huber Hennes, wife of Louis Hennes. She lived from 1836 to 1908.
Scanned: July 30, 2013 |

Downtown Church in Winter |
Seasons, Winter, Buildings, Church Buildings, Buildings |
A snow scene taken last February. As you will notice it was taken from below the porch . About the same place you took ours. [Photo shows building , "The E.F. Sutton" and a church.]
Scanned: November 28, 2012 |

Hennes Store |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Local Transit, |
[Hennes store. Side of building shows "Roach & Seeber Co. Whole Sale Grocers. Vintage cars can be seen parked all along the side of the building.]
Scanned: December 5, 2012 |

Mine Rescue Crew |
Accidents, Fires, Mine Fires, Miners, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining |
Mine Rescue Crew, Quincy #2 Shaft, 1925-1926 Fire [A photo of a group of miners wearing breathing masks. The names of the miners are written on the front of the photograph.]
Scanned: February 6, 2006 |