Cities & Towns - Central |
Human Settlements, Buildings, Historic Sites, Historic Mines |
Central Mine Location view 2 [View of some of the buildings making up the settlement of Central]
Scanned: March 26, 2008 |

Fort Wilkins |
Human Settlements, Historic Sites, |
Fort Wilkins [One of the interior rooms of the fort arranged as a museum display.]
Scanned: August 6, 2008 |

Tourist Trade |
Persons, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, |
Herbert Welsh of LAnse, known to thousands in Michigan as Chief will once again represent the Upper Peninsula Tourist Association on a tour through the mid-west during the next several months. Chief as he is affectionately known locally, meets many hundreds of tourists each summer at a tepee located on US-41 between Baraga and LAnse. "Chief" being a grandson of the famous Sitting Bull, is an interesting person and his stories of Indian customs and traditions make him a special attraction for tourists. [Image of Chief Welsh dressed in Indian finery.]
Scanned: March 4, 2009 |

Businesses - Toni's Country Kitchen |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Restaurants, Transportation, Automotive, |
Lauriums newest business building is among its most attractive and houses two established services catering to two basic needs. Tonis Country Kitchen specialized in pasties and bakery and in the second half of the building are the offices of Dr. Kenneth Repola. Tonis has a dining room, spacious kitchen and storage and vegtable rooms. The doctors offices consist of four examining rooms, a large waiting room, laboratory, a general office and private office. The new structure was occupied this spring and is located at Third and Kearsarge Streets. [Exterior view of the one story building.]
Scanned: February 18, 2009 |

Communication - Telephone |
Persons, Seasons, Winter, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family |
Michigan Bell employees place an exchange cable concentrator which will replace eight party lines in the range towns with one and four party lines. Foremen Frank Musich, in the background, looks on as John Myntti checks fastenings on the pole. Hoisting the concentrator are left to right, Fred Ongie, Ray Tarbox, Leo McCloskey and Robert Burrows.
Scanned: August 14, 2007 |

Mining Strike |
Armed Forces, Soldiers, Buildings, Labor Movements |
Soldiers drilling in field near #15 shaft. [From a distance view of the soldiers.]
Scanned: October 27, 2009 |

Daniell Heights |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, |
Daniell Heights [Exterior view of the building. Shows a portion of the yard and the covered entrance to the house. 1910 is posted on the side of the building.]
Scanned: January 20, 2009 |

Daniell Heights |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, |
Daniell Heights [Exterior of the building showing the covered porch and entrance. A grill stands in the corner. A stairway leads down to the ground level.]
Scanned: January 20, 2009 |

Daniell Heights |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, |
Daniell Heights [Interior of the laundry room. A laundry sink sits against the wall next to a Speed Queen washer and dryer. Posters and notices hang on the wall.]
Scanned: January 20, 2009 |

Broomball Game at Michigan Tech |
Sports Personnel, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Broomball, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher |
Broomball Game at Michigan Tech. [Students play broomball on the ice at the Dee Stadium in Houghton, MI. Spectators watch from the stands.]
Scanned: January 9, 2009 |