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Airports - Sidnaw

Seasons, Winter, Transportation, Air Travel, Citizens of Duncan Township have formed together in the last few months to get the Prickett Grooms Airport in Sidnaw converted into a B-1 Airport. Their efforts thus far have gained sponsorship from the Houghton County Board of Commissioners and also gotten the airport on the Michigan State Airport System Plan. This picture was taken earlier this year and shows the entrance way to the old airport, which was first started in 1933. [Image of a snow-covered desolate area with a sign near the entrance that says "Notice - Positively no admittance on runways - By Law"]

Scanned: January 21, 2009

Marker - Dr. Douglass Houghton

Sign and Signboards, Historical markers, Societies, Persons Unveiling action has just taken place here as the curtains over the two sides of the plaque were removed to reveal significant items in the life of Douglass Hougton and the Masonic order which conducted the ceremonies. Here, the Grand Master, John G. Polzin has just completed his work and is retiring to the speakers' platform. [Masonic members dressed in robes unveil the tribute to Douglass Houghton.]

Scanned: January 21, 2009

Portage Canal

Buildings, Water, Lakes, St. Ignatius Church, the new Senior Citizens home in Houghton (center arrow) and the Houghton County Courthouse, upper right, are reflected in the Portage Lake Channel in this recent photo taken from the Portage Lake lift bridge. [Image of the waterfront buildings including Penney's store.]

Scanned: January 21, 2009


Manufacturing Process, Mills and Millwork, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Once one of the more important assets of the great Calumet and Hecla Mining Co., the Ahmeek Mill now virtually is gone. It came into existence during the first score of years after the turn of the century and it accomplished much good in its day. It furthermore employed many persons and contributed to the greatness of the Torch Lake district. Many persons from the Lake-Hubbell district are interested in this mill because it provided work and sustinence for many families in the region. [Image of the ruins of the mill.]

Scanned: January 20, 2009


Transportation, Bridges, Transportation, Automotive, Woody Plants, Trees Come the end of June and the motorists out of Arnheim and within the bounds of the Sturgeon River will be able to use a new bridge. The structure will be a prestressed I-beam type with a poured concrete deck. It will replace the current structure which is of the truss type. Here is the old structure which soon will be removed. [A car travels over the soon to be destroyed bridge.]

Scanned: January 20, 2009

Sports - Boxing

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Persons, Remembering when are ex-pugilists of the Copper Country Johnny Kay, left of Calumet and Peter Collins of Chassell. The two point to their names on a poster of about 40 years ago, when they were opponents in a bout at the Amphidrome in Houghton. [The two men display a weathered poster announcing the All Star Boxing event at the Amphidrome.]

Scanned: January 20, 2009

Schools - Doelle

Buildings, Education, Woody Plants, Trees Doelle School Today [A through the trees view of the school building.]

Scanned: January 20, 2009

Fraternities - Sigma Rho

Buildings, Clubhouses, Education, Transportation, Automotive The Sigma Rho boys are again in their own establishment after a period of prolonged stay in the edifice of the former Congregational Church in Chassell. The Sigs are greatly enjoying their new Fraternity House and they are entitled to happiness in that theirs has been a life of shifting about due to, first, the fire which destoyed their first Chassell House, the former Worchester home, and then the blaze which consumed their unfinished house just as it was about ready to permit the entrance of the Tech students who are members of the frat. Fourteen young men now live at the house on the Chassell Lakeshore. Come fall and the number will be up to its regular 24. Dave Crockett, one of the social officers of the Sigs, says that the first house burned in 1974 and the second, the very next year. During one time in the fraternity's history its house was in Houghton. It occupied a position on a hill exactly where East Wadsworth Hall is currently. The newest building has 12 bedrooms and a fireplace along with eight other rooms. [Exterior view of the house.]

Scanned: January 21, 2009


Fire Department, Officials and Employees, Fire Fighters, Persons, Members of the Houghton Volunteer Fire Department from left standing are Jim Chappell, Chief; Paul Kempainen, Jack Arvo, Jerry Larson, Greg Archambeau, Charles Telin, Mike Siegel, Bill Voght and Al Messner. In front from left are Lee Hauswirth, Marty McGrath, Floyd Camps, Mort Plowe, Jim Lightfoot, Dan Schutz, Frank Morin and Bob Hannon. [Members of the fire fighting team pose for a photo.]

Scanned: January 21, 2009

Cities and Towns - Baraga

Buildings, , "Death of a Landmark" Demolition work was started late last week on the old Baraga Water and Electric Building, which had been a part of the village since 1912. Replaced by a modern water plant a few years back, the building was deemed to have outlived its usefulness and was condemned by the village council a few months ago. [Image of the run down building about to be destroyed.]

Scanned: January 21, 2009