Lumbering |
Forest Products Industry, Lumbering, Logging, Log Transportation, Persons, Seasons, Winter |
Worlds Fair [Four horses pull a massive load of logs on a sleigh. Back of photo is stamped with "Timber Producers Assn.- Box 431 - Ironwood, MI.]
Scanned: December 6, 2006 |

Lumbering |
Forest Products Industry, Lumbering, Logging, Log Transportation, Seasons, Winter, |
[Picture of a massive pile of logs.]
Scanned: December 6, 2006 |

Ships |
Ships, Water, Lakes, |
[Photo of the Paul H. Townsend freighter with Huron Cement written on it's side, passing through the Portage Canal]
Scanned: December 6, 2006 |

Shipwrecks |
Ships, Persons, |
[Photo of a recovered anchor from Lake Superior.]
Scanned: December 6, 2006 |

Transportation - Automobile |
Transportation, Automotive, Persons, Seasons, Winter |
Paddy Slusarzyk of the Calumet District stands beside his famed Chrysler which goes back to the beaching of the City of Bangor in a Lake Superior storm on November 30, 1926. The car is now 45 years of age. Paddy so values the car that he says he even now would not take $1,000 for it despite its age. He runs it every day in the summer but in winter he merely turns the engine over to keep it "easy". [Paddy rests his foot on the running board of his prized vehicle.]
Scanned: December 7, 2006 |

Camps - Civilian Conservation Corps |
Sign and Signboards, Historical markers, Natural Resources, Forests and Forestry, |
[Sign for the Pori Civilian Conservation Corps Camp used as a prisoner of war camp during World War II.]
Scanned: December 7, 2006 |

Signs - Delaware |
Sign and Signboards, Historical markers, Seasons, Winter, Woody Plants, Trees |
In order to get this photo of the Delaware Highway sign, the post had to be dug out by the photographer. The snow measuring instruments are across the road from the sign. Delaware is an abandoned copper mining community in Keweenaw County, MI. This county is Michigan's farthest north and its peninsula prong bisects Lake Superior to a great extent. [Image of the sign buried in snow.]
Scanned: December 7, 2006 |

Biography - Lucius Lee Hubbard |
Persons, , |
[Was Michigan State geologist until 1899. Served as Assistant Professor of Mineralogy at Michigan College of Mines from 1891 to 1893. Served as a member of the board of control from 1905 to 1917. Donated his mineral collection to Michigan College of Mines. Was general manager for the Copper Range Company. Died in Eagle Harbor, August 3, 1933.]
Scanned: December 8, 2006 |

Biography - Frank Scheuermann |
Persons, , |
Frank Scheuermann, Secretary of Scheuermann Brewery [Head and shoulders portrait of Mr. Scheuermann]
Scanned: May 16, 2006 |

Biography - Dr. W. P. Scott |
Persons, , |
Pioneer of Isle Royale [Head and shoulders portrait of W. P. Scott]
Scanned: December 8, 2006 |