Shaft House |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, , |
Shaft House near Houghton [View of a crumbling shaft house.]
Scanned: September 14, 2010 |

Underground at C & H |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Miners, Copper Miners, Manpower, Labor |
Underground at C & H [A group of miners stop for a photo showing them with a car of large ore pieces.]
Scanned: September 14, 2010 |

C & H No. 2 Tamarack |
Transportation, Railroads, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Seasons, Winter |
C & H No. 2 "Tamarack" at Tamarack #2 Shaft [View of engine surrounded by large snow banks.]
Scanned: September 14, 2010 |

Hebbard Log Loader |
Natural Resources, Forests and Forestry, Persons, |
View of Hebbard Log Loader in operation.
Scanned: September 14, 2010 |

D.S.S. & A. #705 |
Transportation, Railroads, Persons, |
D.S.S. & A. #705 in Houghton yard. [The engineer greases the locomotive.]
Scanned: September 14, 2010 |

M.H. & O Locomotive #1 |
Transportation, Railroads, Persons, Water, Lakes |
M. H. & O Locomotive #1 and gravel train, Houghton
Scanned: September 14, 2010 |

Train Depot |
Transportation, Railroads, Persons, |
People waiting at depot. [A group of people wait for a train at a small depot. Location unknown.]
Scanned: September 15, 2010 |

City of Houghton |
Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Persons, Seasons, Winter |
Houghton - Street Scene College Ave? [View of street after a snowfall showing some pedestrians. Large homes line one side of the street.]
Scanned: September 15, 2010 |

City of Houghton |
Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Seasons, Winter, |
Houghton - City View [Good photo of Houghton at night. Looks like it was taken from campus area. Smoke is just visible coming out of mining operation chimneys. The steeple of St. Ignatius Church is visible. May be the dawn of the electrical age.]
Scanned: September 15, 2010 |

City of Houghton |
Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, Persons |
Houghton - Street Scene Main Street [Early photo of downtown Houghton. Some businesses pictured are McGann's Saloon (maybe the Downtowner now), A restaurant next door to McGann's; a One Price Store located at 160 Shelden according to the 1912 Polk Directory; a building with a Relief Sale sign; a Phillips store, a drug store and a bank further up the street. The streets are not paved but you can see street car tracks running down the middle of the road.]
Scanned: September 15, 2010 |