Road Surfacing Plant |
Transportation, Roads, Persons, Water |
Road Surfacing Plant - Hancock Mine in distance. [Road equipment and vintage automobiles are shown near railroad tracks on the waterfront.]
Scanned: August 24, 2010 |

Interior of Amphidrome |
Buildings, Public Buildings, , |
Interior of Amphidrome [View of interior of the building decorated for some occasion. What appear to be lanterns are hung from the ceiling. A stage with chairs is at the end of the floor.]
Scanned: August 24, 2010 |

Fires - C & H Shafthouse |
Accidents, Fires, Mine Fires, Persons, |
C & H shafthouse burning. [Several children gather to watch the fire. A few firemen seem to be helpless in fighting the flames.]
Scanned: August 25, 2010 |

Baltic Mine |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, |
Batlic Mine [Exterior view of the mine and surrounding area.]
Scanned: August 25, 2010 |

Baltic Mine |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, |
Batlic Mine - shaft and plant [Exterior view of the mining operations at Baltic.]
Scanned: August 25, 2010 |

Isle Royale Copper Co. Railroad |
Transportation, Railroads, , |
Isle Royale Copper Co. Railroad No. 3 [View of train pulling cars of ore. An engineer hangs out of the engine window.]
Scanned: August 25, 2010 |

Isle Royale Copper Co. Railroad |
Transportation, Railroads, Persons, |
Isle Royale Copper Co. Railroad No. 3 [The engineer? poses for a photo while sitting on the plow of the train engine.]
Scanned: August 25, 2010 |

Copper Range Railroad |
Transportation, Railroads, , |
Copper Range Railroad in action. [Photo of the train rolling down the track.]
Scanned: August 25, 2010 |

Road Scraper |
Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Transportation, Roads, |
Road Scraper [An early version of a snow plow is pictured.]
Scanned: August 30, 2010 |

DSS&A Railroad |
Transportation, Railroads, , |
DSS&A Railroad #702 loading stamp sand at Isle Royale Mill. [View of the engine and a steam shovel loading sand into one of the cars.]
Scanned: August 31, 2010 |