Churches - Hancock |
Buildings, Church Buildings, , |
Hancock Church - Interior [Interior view of an unknown church in Hancock. The church has a very ornate ceiling.]
Scanned: August 2, 2010 |

Schools - Hancock High |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, |
High School, Hancock [Exterior view of the school.]
Scanned: August 2, 2010 |

Arcadian Mine |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, , |
Arcadian Mine [Exterior view of the shaft house and surrounding rock piles.]
Scanned: August 3, 2010 |

Hancock No. 2 Shaft |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Human Settlements |
Hancock #2 Shaft from Poor Farm [View of the shaft house and surrounding community.]
Scanned: August 2, 2010 |

Chassell Saw Mill |
Manufacturing Process, Mills and Millwork, Saw Mills, Buildings, |
Chassell Saw Mill [View of equipment in what appears to be an abandoned sawmill.]
Scanned: August 2, 2010 |

Chassell Saw Mill |
Manufacturing Process, Mills and Millwork, Saw Mills, Buildings, |
Chassell Saw Mill [View of building in ruins.]
Scanned: August 2, 2010 |

New Amphidrome Under Construction |
Buildings, Smelting, Water, Lakes |
New Amphidrome Under Construction [View of the building being built. Good view too of a busy waterfront and smelting works.]
Scanned: August 2, 2010 |

New Amphidrome Under Construction |
Buildings, Transportation, Railroads, |
New Amphidrome Under Construction [Photo showing the "bones" of the building.]
Scanned: August 2, 2010 |

Calumet and Hecla Medals |
Persons, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, |
Calumet and Hecla Medals Honoring Edward Grierson [Image of one of the medals awarded by Calumet and Hecla for years of service. This one says "Calumet and Hecla Mining Company in Recognition of Faithful and Efficient Service for a Period of 46 years to Edward S. Grierson."]
Scanned: August 2, 2010 |

Cliff Mine |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, |
Cliff Mine [View of some of the remaining equipment at the mining site.]
Scanned: November 17, 2009 |