Paper Mill |
Water, Woody Plants, Trees, Buildings |
Portage Lake - across a paper mill. [View of stacks of planed lumber sitting on a dock. One side of the road is lined with unreadable billboards.]
Scanned: February 10, 2010 |

Eagle River |
Water, Woody Plants, Trees, Buildings |
Stairs on L.S. passing, Eagle River. [View of stairs leading to a sandy tree-covered area. A freighter? can be seen in the background.]
Scanned: February 10, 2010 |

Transportation - Railroads |
Water, Woody Plants, Trees, Transportation, Railroads |
Train into Houghton. [The train travels a scenic route into Houghton.]
Scanned: February 11, 2010 |

Rivers - Pilgrim River |
Water, Rivers, Woody Plants, Trees, Persons |
Pilgrim River Foot Bridge [A man guides a little girl wearing a dress across a narrow path above the rushing waters of the river.]
Scanned: February 11, 2010 |

Rivers - Pilgrim River |
Water, Rivers, Woody Plants, Trees, Transportation, Bridges |
Pilgrim River Bridge [Photo of the bridge appears to have been taken from the bank of the river.]
Scanned: February 11, 2010 |

Ripley Falls |
Water, Buildings, Seasons |
Ripley Falls [Spring melt produces a rushing stream of water past a small cabin in Ripley.]
Scanned: February 11, 2010 |

Sturgeon River Flood |
Water, Persons, |
Sturgeon River Flood - Railroad Bridge [A man stands on the tracks and observes the high water.]
Scanned: February 11, 2010 |

Sturgeon River Flood |
Water, Woody Plants, Trees, |
Sturgeon River Flood - [Image of flooded fields and road.]
Scanned: February 11, 2010 |

Bridges - Sturgeon River |
Water, Transportation, Bridges, Buildings |
Sturgeon River Bridge [View of the bridge.]
Scanned: February 11, 2010 |

Logging |
Water, Rivers, Woody Plants, Trees, |
Logs on Sturgeon River [Image of logs piled on the banks of the river.]
Scanned: February 11, 2010 |