Buildings - Construction - Gundlach |
Buildings, , |
Suomi College, Hancock, MI Physical Education Building. Warren Holmes Co., Architects. [Completed building]
Scanned: January 16, 2009 |

Buildings - Construction - Gundlach |
Buildings, , |
Suomi College, Hancock, MI Physical Education Building. Warren Holmes Co., Architects. [Interior view of gym area.]
Scanned: January 16, 2009 |

Buildings - Construction - Gundlach |
Buildings, , |
Suomi College, Hancock, MI Residence Hall and Student Center. Warren Holmes Co., Architects. [Construction phase.]
Scanned: January 16, 2009 |

Buildings - Construction - Gundlach |
Buildings, , |
Suomi College, Hancock, MI Residence Hall and Student Center. Warren Holmes Co., Architects. [Completed building.]
Scanned: January 16, 2009 |

Buildings - Fisher Hall |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, |
[MTU Buildings - Fisher Hall - Aerial view of Fisher Hall]
Scanned: May 11, 2006 |

Buildings - Fisher Hall |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, |
MTU Buildings - Fisher Hall [Fisher Hall during construction]
Scanned: May 11, 2006 |

Buildings - Fisher Hall |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, |
MTU Buildings - Fisher Hall [Aerial photo of Fisher Hall during construction]
Scanned: May 11, 2006 |

MTU Buildings |
Persons, , |
Michigan Tech Buildings Interior [Photo of two men. One might be Herman Gundlach and the other might be Dillman?]
Scanned: October 19, 2010 |

MTU Buildings |
Buildings, Education, |
Michigan Tech Buildings Interior Civil Engineering/Geology Building [Interior view of an empty classroom.]
Scanned: October 19, 2010 |

MTU Buildings |
Buildings, Education, |
Michigan Tech Buildings Construction Civil Engineering/Geology Building
Scanned: October 19, 2010 |