Quincy Mining Company - Quincy Smelter on Portage Lake |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Historic Sites, Historic Mines, |
"Quincy Smelting Works, Hancock, Mich., Casting Building. Proposed Alterations to Casting Machinery, June 10, 1910.
Scanned: October 6, 2008 |

Quincy Mining Company - Quincy Smelter on Portage Lake |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Historic Sites, Historic Mines, |
"Quincy Smelting Works, Hancock, Mich., Machine Shop. Sept. 25, 1907." Section, Elevations and Details.
Scanned: October 6, 2008 |

Quincy Mining Company - Quincy Smelter on Portage Lake |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Historic Sites, Historic Mines, |
"Quincy Smelting Works, Hancock, Mich., Scale Building for two 6-ton scales. Oct. 22, 1907." Sections, Elevations and Details.
Scanned: October 6, 2008 |

Quincy Mining Company - Quincy Smelter on Portage Lake |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Historic Sites, Historic Mines, |
Charcoal House (1898) on left; Assay Office (1898 with 1908 addition) on right.
Scanned: October 7, 2008 |

Quincy Mining Company - Quincy Smelter on Portage Lake |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Historic Sites, Historic Mines, |
North Elevations of (Left to Right) Assay Office (1898 with 1908 Addition) and Charcoal House (1898).
Scanned: October 7, 2008 |

Quincy Mining Company - Quincy Smelter on Portage Lake |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Historic Sites, Historic Mines, |
East Elevation of Smelter's 1898 Dockside Warehouse.
Scanned: October 7, 2008 |

Quincy Mining Company - Quincy Smelter on Portage Lake |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Historic Sites, Historic Mines, |
West Elevation of Dockside Warehouse (1898 with a dry house addition, 1916)
Scanned: October 7, 2008 |

Quincy Mining Company - Quincy Smelter on Portage Lake |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Historic Sites, Historic Mines, |
View along trestle for electric trolley leading from reverberatory furnace building to slag dump.
Scanned: October 7, 2008 |

Quincy Mining Company - Quincy Smelter on Portage Lake |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Historic Sites, Historic Mines, |
Smelter Office Building, Built 1898.
Scanned: October 7, 2008 |

Quincy Mining Company - Quincy Smelter on Portage Lake |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Historic Sites, Historic Mines, |
"Plan, Warehouse Quincy Smelts., Aug. 1902." Plan, Elevations, Detail Sections and Skeletal Views.
Scanned: October 7, 2008 |