Ice Boat |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Industries, Seasons, Winter |
Ice Boating - Portage Lake [Ice boat with sail in Dollar Bay]
Scanned: June 9, 2006 |

View of Hancock |
Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Water, Lakes, Buildings |
View of Hancock [Printing on front of photo says Hancock Smelting Works. Writing is similar to other Isler photographs.]
Scanned: June 9, 2006 |

Hancock |
Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Buildings, Church Buildings, Buildings, Commercial Buildings |
Street in Hancock. St. Joseph and St. Patrick (Catholic) church 1st block of Quincy Street. [Horse and buggy traffic travel on the dirt street. A cigar and liquor store on left of picture.]
Scanned: June 9, 2006 |

Freda Beach |
Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Outdoor Recreation, Water, Lakes |
Freda Beach gathering. [A group of well dressed people gather at the lakeshore.]
Scanned: June 9, 2006 |

6th Street from Scott Parade |
Manners and Customs, Festivals, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, |
6th Street from Scott Parade [A photo of a group of men dressed in military-style uniforms in front of the Calumet Opera House. A sign in the distance says "Welcome I.O.O.F.". A crowd has gathered to view the parade. See also MTU Neg 00196.]
Scanned: December 16, 2005 |

Buildings - Cabins |
Buildings, Woody Plants, Trees, Persons |
Section 16 Cabin, Calumet [A man dressed in shirt and tie stands in knee high grass in front of the log cabin.]
Scanned: June 14, 2006 |

Logging Camp |
Forest Products Industry, Lumbering, Seasons, Winter, Loggers, Dwellings, Lumber Camps |
Logging Camp [A group of "lumberjacks" pose near log cabins during winter.]
Scanned: June 14, 2006 |

Ice cutting - Huron Dam |
Industries, Service Industries, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Persons |
Ice cutting - Huron Dam [An exterior photo of three men harvesting ice at the Huron Dam. Two horse-drawn carts and the Huron Mill are in the background. One of the carts is labelled Huron Dam Ice - Meyers Bros. Phone 205.]
Scanned: October 18, 2005 |

Schools - Hancock |
Education, Seasons, Winter, Buildings |
Public School, Hancock. [Photo of brick building in winter. A group of students stand on the steps. Clear detail of the building's architecture.]
Scanned: June 14, 2006 |

Railroad in Winter, Calumet |
Transportation, Railroads, Seasons, Winter, |
Railroad in Winter, Calumet [A photo of a steam locomotive between plowed snow banks. There are men standing on the train and on the snow banks.The negative is labeled Winter, Calumet.]
Scanned: December 14, 2005 |