Tamarack #2 shaft. |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Manpower, Labor, Unskilled Labor |
Tamarack #2 shaft. Rockhouse breaker floor C&H print #122 [An interior photo of a rockhouse floor. Six men are visible in the picture. Three men appear to be using a drop hammer to separate copper and rock while three other men appear to be waiting to take away the result in their wheelbarrows. A number of electric lights are on the ceiling.]
Scanned: October 11, 2005 |

Kearsarge |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Armed Forces, Soldiers |
View of Kearsarge. Strike Scrapbook. Print #123 [A view of soldiers camped out in front of a massive shaft-rockhouse. The hoist house and pulley stands are in the background while a small structure on a poor rock foundation appears to the right. A large trestle begins high up on the shaft-rockhouse and a number of utility poles are visible.]
Scanned: October 11, 2005 |

Cities and Towns - South Range |
Buildings, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Musical Groups |
Band on street in South Range, 4th of July parade. [A crowd gathers in front of a building displaying a Santori and Paoli awning. The building next door has a post office sign, as well as South Range Barber and Jacob Jarvis?, Justice Court signs.]
Scanned: June 10, 2008 |

North Kearsarge Surface |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Seasons, Winter |
North Kearsarge Surface C&H print #192 [A landscape, winter view of the North Kearsarge shaft-rockhouse in the foreground. The pulley stands, hoist house and boiler house can be seen. Four other shaft rockhouses are in the distance.]
Scanned: October 11, 2005 |

Mine Building |
Buildings, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, |
[Unidentified mine building located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan's Copper Country.]
Scanned: June 12, 2013 |

Red Jacket Shaft |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, |
Red Jacket Shaft Almost identical to neg. #02399 a darker neg. which does not show as much detail. [A landscape photo of the Red Jacket Shaft in Calumet. The shafthouse, hoist house, boiler house, tail house and several other buildings are visible.]
Scanned: October 11, 2005 |

General View - Railroad |
Buildings, Historic Sites, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining |
[Image of a mine location from a high point looking down at railroad tracks, several residential buildings, industrial features and a body of water.]
Scanned: July 2, 2013 |

Dispensary |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Health Facilities, |
[Photograph of the inside of an early dispensary. Image shoes shelves of labled glass mars of different sizes.]
Scanned: July 1, 2013 |

Dispensary |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Health Facilities, |
[Photograph of the inside of an early dispensary. Image shows an examination room with some medical supplies, including an early examination table.]
Scanned: July 1, 2013 |

Buildings - Hospitals |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Hospitals, Woody Plants, Trees, |
Calumet & Hecla Hospital [Exterior view of the hospital.]
Scanned: February 8, 2008 |