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Persons, Manners and Customs, [A woman has just given her baby a bath in a wash tub.]

Scanned: December 20, 2010

Air Ship

Persons, Buildings, Air Ship, Houghton near Amphidrome [Image of the air ship above buildings with a man walking on the portion beneath. Several people stand on the buildings to get a better view. Quincy Mine Shaft is visible on the barren hill. See comment section for further details on this event.]

Scanned: February 15, 2010

Shelden Street

Buildings, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Persons Shelden Street Looking East from Bridge in Early 1860's [Very pooor copy of a copy but still gives a good idea of what Shelden Avenue looked like way back then.]

Scanned: February 18, 2010

Entertainment - Calumet Theater

Buildings, Civic Centers, Arts Facilities, Theaters, Persons, This display was extremely popular with patrons of the Calumet Theater, according to Manager Bernard St. Germain. Set up during the recent showing of "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", the display included diving equipment loaned by the Calumet Division, Calumet and Hecla, Inc. "Most people have never seen diving equipment," St. Germain said. "Of course, the display made a big hit with the youngsters." The theater employee in the picture is usher Bob Troher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Troher of Ahmeek. [Photo of the diving suit used for underground dredging and emergency rescue work by Calumet and Hecla.]

Scanned: April 14, 2009

Calumet & Hecla Foundry

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Foundries, Manpower, Labor, Skilled Labor Foundry [Interior view of foundry and men at work.]

Scanned: October 9, 2009

Mining Gazette building

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Retail Trade, Stores, Retail, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns Mining Gazette building [Excellent exterior, showing post office and hardware store on ground floor and baths advertisement in the foreground.]

Scanned: February 10, 2006

Calumet and Hecla Mills and Reclamation Plant - Dredge Discharge

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, , Dredge Discharge - Rubbish Screen [An exterior photo showing equipment at the shore end of the pontoon line from the dredge. This equipment was used to separate larger pieces of junk from the stamp sand.]

Scanned: January 11, 2006

Quincy Mining Company - Underground Scenes: Conveyances For Hoisting Men, Rock and Water

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Manpower, Labor, Underground view showing miners cutting mass copper by hand. Note candles for illumination. Mining captain in white.

Scanned: September 25, 2008

Dog Races in Hancock

Seasons, Winter, Buildings, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Outdoor Recreation Dog Races in Hancock. [A group of young boys prepare to race their dogs harnassed to an ordinary sled. All of the dogs appear to be anxious to get started and have some collie in them.]

Scanned: March 26, 2010

Calumet and Hecla

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Disasters, Mine Accidents, A rescue crew near shaft house, Calumet-Hecla Mines, Calumet, Mich. [Men outfitted in masks and tanks resembling scuba diving gear pose for a photo while transporting a man on a stretcher.]

Scanned: December 15, 2009