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Family Photo

Persons, , Our Family under big Oak

Scanned: April 24, 2014

Fires - Houghton High School

Accidents, Fires, Buildings, Public Buildings, Education Houghton High School Fire [Spectators gather to view the still burning building.]

Scanned: September 8, 2010

Sports and Recreation - Baseball

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Ball Games, Baseball, Sports Personnel, Athletes, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress Atlantic White Sox - Champions of the South Range Indoor Base Ball League [Studio portrait of the team wearing their uniforms.]

Scanned: March 28, 2007

Award winning potatoes

Agriculture, , [Potatoes with ribbon and trophy. Photograph was used in the Oct. 21, 1965 Daily Mining Gazette with the following caption: "Rated tops for Sweepstakes earnings in the 32 tuber class of potatoes at the Houghton County Potato, Grain Seed and Vegetable Show were these Russet Burbanks grown by Alfie Kemppainen of Salo. This display along with others in the show will be seen in the U.P. Potato Show (potato banquet photos by R.C. Peterson of Gazette."]

Scanned: April 3, 2007

Hennes Store

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Historic Sites, Historic Districts, [Store front with signs for Hennes, Carpenter's Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. Building located in Downtown Houghton.]

Scanned: November 30, 2012

Buildings - C & H Bath House

Buildings, , C & H Bath House - swimming pool.

Scanned: October 24, 2008

Snow Removal

Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Persons, A Sno-go on a Village of Houghton truck. [The Village of Houghton No. 4 truck is shown chewing up a snow bank.]

Scanned: September 1, 2009

Eagle River Courthouse and Jail

Buildings, Public Buildings, Courthouses, Buildings, Public Buildings, Jails, Persons Eagle River Courthouse and Jail [Good image of the buildings with a man on the sidewalk about to enter the gate. Image of the photographer can also be seen.]

Scanned: February 26, 2010

Hospitals - Tamarack

Buildings, Public Buildings, Hospitals, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Tamarack Hospital [Good photo of the exterior of this building]

Scanned: April 27, 2006

King Philip Mine

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, , This is the drum that winds the cable which hoists the men from the 800 foot depths of the King Philip Mine of the Lake Superior Copper Co. at Winona. It is the Upper Peninsula's newest copper venture. [Photo of the piece of hoisting machinery]

Scanned: January 15, 2007