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Mills - Redridge

Persons, Manpower, Labor, First workers at Redridge Mill [Photo of a group of men and boys with their lunch buckets. An arrow points to a man in the back of the photo smoking a pipe with the name Chas. Perdelwitz.]

Scanned: December 20, 2006

Lumber Camps

Persons, Manpower, Labor, Skilled Labor, Forest Products Industry, Lumbering Photo of 11 men who were cutting kilnwood for a company called Charcoal Co. operating in Mellon, Wisconsin years back. [Photo of the men and horses at the camp.]

Scanned: December 20, 2006


Beverage Processing Plants, Breweries, Persons, Last barrel of Bosch beer comes off the line Friday afternoon and here is being made ready to be carried to the Schmidt Corner tavern site in Stanton Township, four miles northwesterly from the brewery location. The container is labeled the "Last Keg" and the date 9-28-73, is placed on it. Brewery president and manager, Al Chaput is shown in formal attire making ready to place the barrel on the oldtime wagon which was pulled to Schmidt's by horses. With him is the brewery stenographer and chemical tester, Marion Mattson. [A group of people watch the last keg being placed on the wagon.]

Scanned: January 9, 2007

Bridges - Portage Lake

Transportation, Bridges, Accidents, Marine Accidents, Persons The big draw span of the Portage Lake bridge was toppled into Portage Lake Saturday, April 15 by the Mutual Transit Steamer "Northern Wave". [Photo of the accident. The Houghton County Courthouse can be seen in the background.]

Scanned: January 11, 2007

Schools - Arcadian School

Education, Education, Elementary, Buildings, Six-room school built by the Arcadian Copper Company for $6,000, according to Horace J. Stevens' Copper Handbook of 1900. The school became District No.3 of the Franklin Township School Department in 1907-1908. It remained open until 1939 and was later dismantled for the value of the lumber that was in it. [Photo of the exterior of the school building.]

Scanned: January 11, 2007

Schoolhouses - Knights of Pythias

Education, Education, Elementary, Buildings, Knights of Pythias school house in Eagle Harbor. In it the order's founder, Justus Rathbone, compiled the details of the famed fraternity which had one of its widely known temples in Milwaukee. {Exterior view of the little schoolhouse.]

Scanned: January 11, 2007

Synogog - Temple Jacob

Buildings, Church Buildings, , The Temple Jacob, Synagog of the First Congregation of Israel, was the Copper Country's first Jewish religious organization. The temple of worship, named after Jacob Gartner, a co-founder, was constructed near the Hancock approach to the Portage Lake Bridge, and was dedicated in 1912. [Exterior view of the temple.]

Scanned: January 11, 2007

Churches - Holy Family Catholic Church

Buildings, Church Buildings, , Holy Family Catholic Church [Exterior view of the building]

Scanned: January 11, 2007

Churches - Central Mine Methodist

Buildings, Church Buildings, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, The only vital Central Mine structure is this methodist church used once each year for a Cornish Reunion. Descendents of former Cornish persons employed at the mine have kept alive a tradition of meeting once each year to recall early mining days. A few other buildings exist on the Central Mine site but they mostly are used as hunters' cabins or for brief summer lodging. Uninhabited in winter, Central truly is a ghost town. [Exterior view of the building in summer]

Scanned: January 12, 2007


Burials, Buildings, Church Buildings, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress [Photo taken from a post card showing a group of mourners gathered at a church. Horse drawn hearses are pictured]

Scanned: May 16, 2006