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Reunion - Michigan College of Mines

Reunions, Class Reunions, Retail Trade, Stores, Retail, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns Michigan College of Mines Reunion - Houghton [Photo of buildings decked out for alumni visitors. The A. Haas Brewing Company, James T. Healy Agency, dry goods store selling hats, gloves, cloaks, suits and furs are pictured.]

Scanned: July 31, 2006


Locomotion, Boats and Boating, Workboats, Tugboats, Inland Navigation, Canals, Seasons, Winter Ships - Moreland Wrecking crew, Reid's Tugs Sarnia City, and Manistique coming in canal for shelter. [The ships are pictured in a ice covered canal.]

Scanned: August 8, 2006

Buildings - Houses - Houghton

Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Transportation, Automotive, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns G. C. Shelden House - Houghton [Beautiful residence with porch. Curtains have been installed to block out the sun. Good architectural detail. A vintage automobile is parked in the driveway.]

Scanned: August 8, 2006


Inland Navigation, Canals, Locomotion, Boats and Boating, Workboats, Tugboats, Seasons, Winter Ships on ice. Reid Wrecking Co. Tug's forcing their way out of the canal December 15, 1910 bound for St. Moreland 10 below zero. [The names of Capt. Hayes and Capt. Crockett are written on the front of the photo.]

Scanned: August 8, 2006

Buildings - Construction

Brotherhoods, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Buildings, Clubhouses Cornerstone laying, Masonic Temple [A crowd of people attend the ceremony on a snowy day. A band with their instruments and a building with Pillsbury Flour written on the side of the building can be seen.]

Scanned: August 8, 2006

Buildings - Interior

Buildings, Dwellings, Manners and Customs, Interior room (relates to 00346 and 00347) [Depressing view of someone's sleeping quarters.]

Scanned: August 8, 2006

Buildings -Houses - Exterior

Buildings, Dwellings, Manners and Customs, Exterior of building [Image of a run down building. A mop hangs near the entrance. A Bosch Brewing Co. box sits on a pile of stones. What appears to be a chicken coop is directly outside the main entrance door. A discarded wash tub lays on it's side.]

Scanned: August 8, 2006

Buildings - Stores - Unidentified

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, Human Settlements, Exterior building - store. [A very poor photo of a retail store that looks like it may have living quarters on the upper floors. ]

Scanned: August 9, 2006

Buildings - Shops - Barbershops

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Barbershops, , Interior of barbershop. [The inside of the shop showing a Victorian wood stove, the barber chair, equipment and waiting area. A spittoon sits under one of the chairs. Stacks of newspapers are tossed on a table and floor.]

Scanned: August 9, 2006

Buildings - Shops - Barbershops

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Barbershops, , Interior Building [Another view of the same babershop in Neg. #00346 showing the other side of the room.]

Scanned: August 9, 2006