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Cities and Towns - Painesdale

Human Settlements, Persons, Woody Plants, Trees Road to school. Hill up to the barber shop and schools. [Pedestrians walk on the dirt road. A large building can be seen at the top of the hill.]

Scanned: September 4, 2008

Cities and Towns - Painesdale

Human Settlements, Transportation, Automotive, Woody Plants, Trees Road Scene, Painesdale, Mich - Dispensary hill. [A vintage automobile travels up the hill of the wooded road.]

Scanned: September 4, 2008

Cities and Towns - Mass City

Persons, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Buildings Gas street light. [An unknown woman stands next to a gas street light.]

Scanned: September 4, 2008

Cities and Towns - Trimountain

Human Settlements, Seasons, Winter, Buildings Birds eye view - Trimountain [Trimountain in the winter showing a horse and sleigh and rows of company housing.]

Scanned: September 4, 2008

Cities and Towns - Trimountain

Human Settlements, Seasons, Winter, Buildings Trimountain Overview [Trimountain in the winter.]

Scanned: September 4, 2008

Cities and Towns - Trimountain

Transportation, Roads, Woody Plants, Trees, Trimountain Road to South Range. [Image of the unpaved road. Both sides of the road are lined with trees.]

Scanned: September 4, 2008

Cities and Towns - Trimountain

Transportation, Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, Persons Trimountain Store [A horse and carriage with several passengers is shown in front of the store. Several people are gathered on the stairs of the building.]

Scanned: September 4, 2008

Clothing and Dress

Persons, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, [A finely dressed woman and young girl pose near a sign for the Barrette Tailoring Co. in Red Jacket. A wooden box bearing the name of the Phil Scheuermann Brewery, Hancock, MI contains what appear to be unopened bottles.]

Scanned: September 10, 2008

Transportation - Horse and Buggy

Persons, Transportation, Woody Plants, Trees The milkman, Rockland, MI Gertie Anderson and her husband. [Two couples riding in a horse drawn wagon take a rest under the shade of some trees.]

Scanned: September 9, 2008

Kracker Barrel Grocery

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, , Kracker Barrel grocery located near Memorial Union Building, just off the Michigan Tech campus [photo shows exterior of small store with sign reading KRACKERBARREL all one word in capital letters].

Scanned: September 16, 2008