Buildings - Post Office |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Carriers, Postal Service, Woody Plants, Trees |
Buildings - Copper Harbor Post Office [A building with two TV antennas on the roof and a mailbox in front is pictured]
Scanned: March 7, 2007 |

Buildings - Post Offices |
Buildings, Carriers, Postal Service, Seasons, Winter |
Buildings - post office, Merriweather [Image of a small building with a lopsided mailbox in front.]
Scanned: March 26, 2007 |

Buildings -Schools |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Seasons, Winter |
Buildings - Schools - Gay, MI? [Image of a deserted building with broken windows]
Scanned: March 26, 2007 |

Cities and Towns - Houghton |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Persons, Seasons |
Two Coast Guard Sailors on Isle Royale Street Houghton [Good photo of buildings on Houghton waterfront showing the Daily Mining Gazette offices and the Cohodas-Paoli Warehouse.]
Scanned: March 26, 2007 |

Lighthouses |
Aids to Navigation, Lighthousers, Woody Plants, Trees, |
Sand Hills Lighthouse [View of the lighthouse with most of the windows boarded up]
Scanned: March 26, 2007 |

Lighthouses |
Aids to Navigation, Lighthousers, Woody Plants, Trees, Buildings |
Jacobsville Lighthouse - [Image of a church-like building with the lighthouse behind it.]
Scanned: March 26, 2007 |

Lighthouses |
Aids to Navigation, Lighthousers, Woody Plants, Trees, Buildings |
Ontonagon Lighthouse [Photo of the lighthouse in spring.]
Scanned: March 26, 2007 |

Recreation - Sledding |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Outdoor Recreation, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Seasons, Winter |
People riding on dog sleds [A man takes his family for a ride on sleds. One of the sleds appears to be motorized.]
Scanned: March 26, 2007 |

Mills - Paper |
Manufacturing Process, Mills and Millwork, Transportation, Automotive, Transportation, Roads |
Ontonagon Paper Mill [View of the mill taken from the road.]
Scanned: March 26, 2007 |

Portage Lake Hockey Team |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Hockey, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, |
Portage Lake Hockey Team - Pre 1902 [A studio posed photo of the Pre 1902 hockey team. The scanned photo was taken from a mounted print. The print located in MS044-006-002 indicates the following individuals (first names from cchockeyhistory.org): Dr. J. L. Gibson, Dr. E.C. Hay, Andy Haller, Wally Washburn, Dr. Percy H. Wilson, C. E. Webb, R. Rowe, H. E. Meinke, E. E. Howell, J. H. Jones.]
Scanned: September 23, 2005 |