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Copper Range Roundhouse in Houghton; Cranes unloading coal at Copper Range Dock c.1900

Transportation, Railroads, Railroads, Buildings and Structures, Roundhouses (Railroads), Railroad Companies Copper Range Roundhouse in Houghton; Cranes unloading coal at Copper Range Dock c.1900 [A photo showing a 15 bay roundhouse, rail yards, and coal unloading facilities. A freighter is shown unloading coal.]

Scanned: December 12, 2005

Cities & Towns - Calumet

Human Settlements, Buildings, Buildings, Church Buildings DSS&A No. 555 (train #2) at Calumet Mich. [The train travels down the track. A church steeple can be seen along with other buildings.]

Scanned: March 13, 2008

Cities and Towns - Hubbell

Accidents, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Buildings Hubbell Flood, Easter Sunday April 13, 1941 [Spectators assess the damage. Some vintage cars and equipment are pictured.]

Scanned: June 5, 2008

Cities and Towns - Hubbell

Accidents, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Buildings Hubbell Flood Easter Sunday 1941 [Image of a washed out main street. Several people gather to view the damage.]

Scanned: June 4, 2008

Cities & Towns - Hubbell

Disasters, Natural Disasters, Persons, Water Mellonsville - Hubbell flood on April 13, 1941 (Easter Sunday). C&H railroad track. [Image of what is left of the railroad track.]

Scanned: May 27, 2008

Cities and Towns - Hubbell

Human Settlements, Buildings, Persons South Main Street Hubbell, Mich. [The XX's mark the Henry Opal, Sr. Store now Hubbell VFW, the second building is the First National Bank of Hubbell now the post office.]

Scanned: June 4, 2008

Biography - Opal

Persons, Seasons, Winter, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns On right, Henry Opal, Jr. and Henry Opal Sr. Hubbell - horse drawn cart of groceries from Opal Store. [Several children gather near the cart.]

Scanned: December 19, 2007

Cities & Towns - Hubbell

Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Persons, Buildings 4243 North Main Street, Hubbell, MI [Post card image of Hubbell in its early stages.]

Scanned: May 27, 2008

Buildings - Resorts

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Transportation, Automotive, Woody Plants, Trees Pontiac Resort, Copper Harbor, MI - Mariner Inn North (formerly owned by Jim Westcott's parents) [Vintage automobiles are parked near the entrance. A St. Bernard dog stands by the road.]

Scanned: February 25, 2008

Buildings - Restaurants

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Restaurants, Transportation, Automotive, Persons Shoreline Motel & Restaurant, Eagle Harbor, Mich. (Owned by La Mute family). [A log cabin type of building with curtains in the window. Vehicles are parked nearby. ]

Scanned: February 25, 2008