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Men with log wrench

Forest Products Industry, Lumbering, Logging, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Men with log wrench [Winter scene of loggers using a log wrench on a pile of logs.]

Scanned: January 13, 2010

Lumberjack Party

Forest Products Industry, Lumbering, Logging, Loggers, Dwellings, Lumber Camps, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress Lumberjack Party [A photo of a group of men gathered for an outdoor party with refreshments. ]

Scanned: January 13, 2010

Nara log landing

Forest Products Industry, Lumbering, Logging, Seasons, Winter, Nara log landing 1915 [A winter photo of a group of men posed with a team of horses and a large pile of logs. The original photo is blurry.]

Scanned: April 19, 2006

J.W. Nara house for tenant farmer, 1 mile, 2nd. road from Dreamland

Agriculture, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, J.W. Nara house for tenant farmer, 1 mile, 2nd. road from Dreamland [A small house with a group of men and children standing in front. A few cows are also visible. The original photo is blurry.]

Scanned: April 19, 2006

Strikers near old armory, Mine St., Calumet, 1913-1914

Labor Movements, Labor Unions, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Strikers near old armory, Mine St., Calumet, 1913-1914 [A photo of men and children holding strike signs along a street. The original photo is very blurry.]

Scanned: April 19, 2006

JW Nara farmstead for tenant farmer near Dreamland

Agriculture, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Transportation 1915-JW Nara farmstead for tenant farmer near Dreamland [An open field with a dirt road in front of it. A horse and buggy, two children and a partially constructed house are visible. ]

Scanned: January 13, 2010

Mrs. J.W. Nara tenant farmer house near Dreamland

Agriculture, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Persons 1912 Mrs. J.W. Nara tenant farmer house near Dreamland [A woman picks some items from a large garden as a man in a horse and buggy watches. Threre is a small dwelling in the background which does have a small open porch..

Scanned: January 13, 2010

Peter O. Lahti, Rabbit Bay

Agriculture, Buildings, Farm Buildings, Barns, Persons Peter O. Lahti, Rabbit Bay, 1912 [A group of men and children work to construct what may be an addition to an existing building. ]

Scanned: January 13, 2010

J.W. Nara property - tenant farmer

Agriculture, Buildings, Farm Buildings, Barns, J.W. Nara property-1915-tenant farmer [A photo of a man standing with cows near a small barn. The original photo is blurry.]

Scanned: April 19, 2006

Bootjack Road & Rice Lake Rd.

Transportation, Automotive, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Bootjack Road & Rice Lake Rd. looking toward lake-Nara boy in photo, ca. 1912, Mr. Waarala standing behind Wm. Nara (age about 7 yrs.) [A photo of a group of men in and around two autos on a dirt road. The original photo is blurry.]

Scanned: April 19, 2006