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Map - Quincy Mill Location

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Geography, Maps Map of the stamp mill location at Mason. [Map shows dock line and coal shed.]

Scanned: July 27, 2009


Railroad Companies, Buildings, Disasters Locomotive #1 on the siding with the water tank. [Photo of the Quincy and Torch Lake Railroad engine. The engineer can be seen in the window of the car.]

Scanned: July 27, 2009

Dr. Myron Berry

Persons, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Dr. Myron Berry [Head and shoulders photo of Dr. Berry, MTU professor of Chemistry]

Scanned: November 14, 2007

Michigan Mining School Student Admission Record

Persons, Earth Science, Geology, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher Michigan Mining School, Houghton, Michigan Students' Admission Record. [Image of a authentic admission form for Mary Louise Bunce dated October 15, 1889. Her course of study was geology intending to become a teacher.]

Scanned: July 20, 2010

J. W. Nara Business Card

Persons, , A business card printed for J. W. Nara Photographer, Calumet, Mich.

Scanned: October 20, 2010

MTU Catering and Dining Services

Manners and Customs, Persons, Buildings MTU Catering and Dining Services. [An example of campus dining services work setting up for a reception at the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts building.]

Scanned: March 4, 2011

MTU Catering and Dining Services

Manners and Customs, Persons, Buildings MTU Catering and Dining Services. [An example of campus dining services work setting up for a reception at the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts building.]

Scanned: March 4, 2011

MTU School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science

Persons, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Photo taken at special Tech Talks presentation held during Alumni Reunion 2009. Research Professor Rolf Peterson gives talk on wolves and moose of Isle Royale.

Scanned: March 8, 2011

MTU Ford Forestry Center

Buildings, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Natural Resources, Forests and Forestry MTU Ford Forestry Center in Alberta - Restoration Project organized by Student Activities

Scanned: March 14, 2011

MTU Residence Halls

Buildings, Dwellings, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher MTU Residence Halls - Construction photos of new residence hall on campus

Scanned: March 11, 2011