Buildings - Houses - Lake Linden |
Beverage Processing Plants, Breweries, Buildings, Commercial Buildings, |
Delivery wagon for Bosch Brewery [Wagon piled very high with crates of beer, being pulled by two horses. Building in background is Bosch Brewery bottling plant in Lake Linden]
Scanned: July 7, 2006 |

Front entrance to Jos. Bosch Residence, 3rd Street, Lake Linden |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Seasons, Winter, |
Front entrance to Jos. Bosch Residence, 3rd Street, Lake Linden [Man standing on porch of house, holding snow shovel. Snow is piled six feet high in the yard.]
Scanned: July 7, 2006 |

Delivery wagon for Bosch Brewery |
Beverage Processing Plants, Breweries, , |
Delivery wagon for Bosch Brewery [Wagon piled very high with crates of beer, being pulled by two horses. Dog is standing in foreground.]
Scanned: July 7, 2006 |

St. Anthony's, Polish Church, Red Jacket, MI |
Buildings, Church Buildings, , |
St. Anthonys, Polish Church, Red Jacket, MI [A photo of St. Anthonys church. Another church is shown in the background. The street is dirt, utility poles are evident and another building appears in the foreground.]
Scanned: September 20, 2005 |

St. John the Baptist's Croatian Church, Red Jacket, MI |
Buildings, Church Buildings, , |
St. John the Baptist's Croatian Church, Red Jacket, MI. [Photo of the church and a large house/rectory. The church steeple contains four clock faces.]
Scanned: June 22, 2006 |

Forth of July Parade |
Manners and Customs, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Villages, Persons |
Social Life and Customs - Parades. Jukuri's Sauna Steam and Bath Showers parade float.
Scanned: December 15, 2013 |

Bosch Brewery upper portion of 4th Street Lake Linden |
Beverage Processing Plants, Breweries, Buildings, Commercial Buildings, |
[Description in negative notebook reads "Bosch Brewery upper portion of 4th Street Lake Linden."]
Scanned: July 7, 2006 |

Atlantic Mining Company |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Transportation, Railroads, |
Atlantic Mining Company, Ore Pockets, Atlantic Mine. [Image of a train on the hillside with a mining smoke stack jutting above the train. The valley below shows a fenced in area and buildings.]
Scanned: July 21, 2010 |

Funeral of Louis Tijan and Steve Putrich |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Burials, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress |
[Funeral procession proceeding along Fifth Street in Calumet. Tijan and Putrich were killed by strike deputies who fired shots into their boardinghouse in Seeberville, near Painesdale, on August 14, 1913. Two hearse vehicles can be seen, as well as many people standing along the street.]
Scanned: February 6, 2006 |

Mineral Range Depot |
Buildings, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, |
Mineral Range Depot, Mass City.
Scanned: February 15, 2013 |