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Architectural Drawings

Buildings, Dwellings, , White Pine Mine - House House Type "D" - Roof Framing and Elevations

Scanned: December 16, 2008

Architectural Drawings

Buildings, Dwellings, , White Pine Mine - House Type "E" Roof Framing & Elevations

Scanned: December 16, 2008

Buildings - Interior - Classrooms

Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Persons Michigan Tech Buildings Interior Classrooms [Image of one of the students working at a drafting table.]

Scanned: October 19, 2010

Old Hancock Mine - Workings in Relation to Suomi College Campus

Geography, Maps, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Old Hancock Mine Workings in Relation to Suomi College Campus (Revised 9-27-81) Peninsula Engineers & Mining Contractors.

Scanned: July 22, 2010

Old Hancock Mine - Plan View of Underground Workings

Geography, Maps, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Old Hancock Mine Underground Workings (Revised 9-27-81) Peninsula Engineers & Mining Contractors.

Scanned: July 22, 2010

Old Hancock Mine - Workings in Area of Hill & Shurtleff Shafts

Geography, Maps, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Old Hancock Mine Workings in Area of Hill & Shurtleff Shafts - Peninsula Engineers & Mining Contractors.

Scanned: July 22, 2010

Elevation View Old Hancock Mine Workings

Geography, Maps, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Elevation View Old Hancock Mine Workings Hill & Shurtleff Shaft Area. Vertical Section Looking South-Easterly, Peninsula Engineers & Mining Contractors

Scanned: July 22, 2010

Statement of Employees - Occupation by Nationality

Persons, Ethnology, Ethnic Groups, Statement of Employees Chart showing occupation by nationality.

Scanned: October 11, 2010

Drawing - Cooper Home - East Hancock

Buildings, Dwellings, Human Settlements, Working drawings for a house for J. P. Cooper, Esq. of the Quincy Mining Co., Hancock, MI. Charlton, Gilbert & DeMar, Architects - Marquette, Hancock and Sault Ste Marie, Michigan and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Scanned: January 27, 2009

Calumet Library - First Floor Plan

Buildings, Public Buildings, Library Buildings, , Floor Plan for Library at Calumet [Blue print showing various rooms on the first floor of the building.]

Scanned: May 25, 2010