Pets |
Nature Conservation, Wildlife Conservation, , |
Not all who observed St. Patrick's Day were humans, according to this photo. The deer here is called "Paddy" and he seems to be saying to the cat, Pudgy, "Give me a little kiss will ya, huh?" Pudge appears to enjoy the caress. The two currently reside at the Uno and Sue Warjakka cabin near Lac La Belle in Keweenaw County. [A deer wearing a neckerchief nuzzles a cat sitting on a chair.]
Scanned: April 3, 2009 |

Fires |
Accidents, Fires, Buildings, Persons |
Blight Fuse Company factory fire - Calumet [One man with a hose attempts to extinguish the blaze.]
Scanned: March 20, 2008 |

Schools - Stanton Township - Canal School |
Buildings, Education, |
Stanton Township Canal School is in the process of being dismantled by Arthur Olson of Hancock who purchased the structure several years ago. Having had a long and colorful career since its construction in 1902, the picture of this school, taken recently, will bring back fond memories to former students who have tread its aisles in childhood. In the early 1900's it was supervised under the administration of Hancock Township of which the district was a part. [Photo of the exterior of the school. See comment section for further information.]
Scanned: April 2, 2009 |

Businesses - Super Quality Food Market |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, Persons, |
Torgo, the mechanical man will be at the Super Quality food market in Hancock today and Saturday to answer customers' questions. A focal point in the store, his spot is one where queries originate. In the event one is asked which he cannot answer, the questioner receives a prize. Torgo came to the city to aid Super Quality in observing its 25th birthday anniversary. [A clerk holds the hand of a robot-like man who is displayed near the canned food section of the grocery store.]
Scanned: April 2, 2009 |

Water Supply - Wells |
Persons, Water, |
The spring under this boarded enclosure was tapped prior to 1903 and it is still being used today. Those in Ripley near the spot on M-26 believe the spring was being tapped back to the early days of the Highland Smelting Works. Joseph Petit, left, and Michael Frampton analyze the spot they knew as far back at 1903 when Petit first began residing in the area. This spot is near the Petit home. [The two men stand next to the enclosed well.]
Scanned: April 2, 2009 |

Businesses - Copper Harbor |
Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, Human Settlements, |
Business is brisk in Copper Harbor these days. Never before has there been such diversity of store offerings which range all the way from meats arranged in supermarket style to the most exquisite gems carved with north country skill. The photo below shows the agate shop with its slanting window effect. [Please see comment section for further information.]
Scanned: April 1, 2009 |

Portage Lake Waterfront |
Persons, Transportation, Bridges, Water, Lakes |
The "Sea Gull" floundered in yesterdays severe windstorm that churned Portage Lake into a seething froth. It broke loose from its moorings on the dock of the Co-op Fisheries in west Hancock. The owner, Matt Saari and an assistant rushed by car to the shore near the Naval Reserve Station to seize it. They were assisted by Conservation Officer, Walter F. Nelms, shown with a rope, John Wiitanen, Houghton County sheriffs deputy, and a military policeman from the Keweenaw Radar Base. It was finally secured, the engine started and it was on its way. [Good photo of the old bridge and waterfront area.]
Scanned: April 1, 2009 |

Agriculture |
Agriculture, Persons, |
[A woman breaks her back havesting strawberries.]
Scanned: November 23, 2009 |

Agriculture |
Agriculture, Persons, |
Spring Planting Activities [Three men prepare a field for planting.]
Scanned: November 23, 2009 |

Bumbletown Radio Station |
Persons, , |
The long distance radio station on Bumbletown Hill, Allouez, for high altitude aircaraft is nearing completion. The 17 by 40 foot building will house equipment for remote control of high-flying planes. Four 50 foot towers were erected last week to support receivers and transmitters. August J. Schmidt of Kansas City is the CAA project supervisor. The station will begin operation early next month. [Image of the four towers and building. A man scales one of the towers.]
Scanned: April 1, 2009 |