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Bottling Plants

Persons, Seasons, Winter, Manufacturing Process Unloading of the fastest soft drink bottle washer in this portion of the U.P. The new machine can wash better than 200 bottles per minute. The 15-ton washer was unloaded at the Seven-Up Co. plant in Houghton east of the bridge. George Nikula, plant manager, supervised the installation. [Image of the massive piece of machinery being unloaded by a crane.]

Scanned: August 9, 2007

Strike Duty

Labor Movements, Peace Officers, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining Michigan National Gaurd Strike Duty at Calumet

Scanned: July 8, 2014

A cozy seat at dinner

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Persons, Jennisons and McNairs, dinner in haybarn

Scanned: April 24, 2014

Residences - James Dee

Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, , [Interior view of one of the bedrooms. The brass bed is covered with a floral bedspread. A vanity table sits in an alcove with many windows. A large dresser and a full length mirror stand in the corner.]

Scanned: October 13, 2010

Residences - James Dee

Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, , [Interior of one of the bedrooms. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling. A small fireplace takes up a wall near the bed. A large armoire stands near the foot of the bed. Rugs are scattered on the floor.]

Scanned: October 13, 2010

Residences - James Dee

Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, , [Interior of a bedroom. A bathroom is visible through an open door. A rocking chair is placed next to the fireplace. The fireplace mantel holds several figurines.]

Scanned: October 19, 2010

Residences - James Dee

Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, , [Interior view of a room. There are items hanging from the ceilings and the walls. The shelves are filled with artifacts and objects. A stuffed aligator stands near the doorway.]

Scanned: October 19, 2010

Old Cliff Cornish Stamp

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Historic Sites, Historic Mines, Old Cornish Style Gravity Stamps Central Mine or Cliff Mine. [Photo of an abandoned, enclosed Cornish Stamp Battery. The stamps, gearing and drive belt are visible. The photo is similar to W-822B and W-822A.]

Scanned: September 13, 2005


Manners and Customs, Persons, Buildings Circus Parade - Hancock [The elephants stop to pose for a photo next to the On. Lung Laundry which was located at 309 Tezuco Street in Hancock.]

Scanned: September 9, 2010


Harbors, Docks, Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Restaurants, Water [Photo of what may be Copper Harbor showing the dock and the Isle Royale Dining Room building with a large "Food" sign on the roof.]

Scanned: October 25, 2007