Persons, Education, Armed Forces, Soldiers |
Sergeant Sherman H. Mount, ROTC instructor. [Portrait of Sgt. Sherman H. Mount. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 232)]
Scanned: May 11, 2009 |

MTU - Vets Club |
Persons, Education, Armed Forces, Soldiers |
Some members of the Vets Club. [Group photo of the Vets Club. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 232)]
Scanned: May 12, 2009 |

MTU - Fraternities & Sororities - Sigma Rho |
Persons, Education, Brotherhoods |
Sigma Rho fraternity members. (back, left to right) F. N. Leopold 15, F. Foley 16, J. F. Hodgson 18, L. J. Coman 17, U. C .Young 15, G. Rizo-Patron 14, (center) C. Ball 20, I. McReavy 15, "Unknown", J.Ovens 17, G. Walhaupter 15, M. Foard 18, A. G. Ballenger 15, (front) E. Carey 14, W. D. Stevens 15, L. N. McDonald 13, H. K. Boysen 14, E. Vial 14, G. North 15. [Fraternity portrait. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 233)]
Scanned: May 12, 2009 |

MTU - Fraternity Houses |
Persons, Education, Brotherhoods |
Theta Tau House, located on College Avenue, now the site of the Administration Building. [Street view of the Theta Tau House. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 235)]
Scanned: May 12, 2009 |

MTU - Fraternity Houses |
Buildings, Dwellings, Brotherhoods, Education |
Kappa Delta Psi House, built in 1908, located on 1100 block of College Avenue. [Street view of the old Kappa Delta Psi House. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 235)]
Scanned: May 12, 2009 |

MTU - Winter Carnival |
Seasons, Winter, Contests, Manners and Customs, Festivals |
Winter Carnival statue built by students of Douglass Houghton Hall. [A snow statue of what appears to be Goldylocks and the Three Bears. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 236)]
Scanned: May 12, 2009 |

MTU - Winter Carnival |
Seasons, Winter, Manners and Customs, Festivals, Persons |
[Michigan Tech Winter Carnival Queen candidates posing with a horse drawn sleigh. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 237)]
Scanned: May 12, 2009 |

MTU - Winter Carnival |
Seasons, Winter, Manners and Customs, Festivals, Persons |
[Michigan Tech students unloading an airplane with Winter Carnival supplies. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 237)]
Scanned: May 12, 2009 |

MTU - Winter Carnival |
Seasons, Winter, Manners and Customs, Festivals, Persons |
[Michigan Tech students posing for a quick photo while building snow statues for Winter Carnival. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 237)]
Scanned: May 12, 2009 |

MTU - Students |
Seasons, Winter, Persons, Transportation, Automotive |
[Michigan Tech students loading buses for a trip. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 237)]
Scanned: May 12, 2009 |