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Buildings - Houses - Lake Linden

Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Manners and Customs Isler residence - Lake Linden [Front of photo states "Hecla Street - Lake Linden". Row of well kept homes line side of street with people sitting on their porches. A wooden sidewalk and picket fences can also been seen.]

Scanned: April 5, 2006

Cities and Towns - Calumet - Street Scenes

Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, Buildings, Church Buildings 5th Street - Calumet [Photo shows several retail businesses such as the Central Hotel & Restaurant, Ed Haas & Co., Dunns, a liquor store and the G.B.S. Co. Pedestrians and a horse and sleigh are shown. Church in background.]

Scanned: April 5, 2006


Burials, Cemeteries, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Lake View Cemetery [A crowd gathered around a large statue at cemetery]

Scanned: April 5, 2006


Rock Excavation, Quarries and Quarrying, Manpower, Labor, Employees of the Portage Entry Quarry [Group of men pose for their photo in front of shed. Several men are standing on railroad tracks.]

Scanned: April 5, 2006


Ships, Passenger Ships, Ferries, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Harbors, Docks "Ossifrage" at Eagle Harbor [Ferry is loaded with passengers, several people standing on the dock. Bow of the ship states " Duluth & South Shore Transit Co." "Worlds Fair"]

Scanned: April 6, 2006

Fire #4 Shaft - North Tamarack Mine

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Seasons, Winter, Accidents, Fires Fire #4 Shaft - North Tamarack Mine [A winter photo of a fire at a mine shaft. A number of men and boys are posing in front of the structure. The negative is imprinted with the words "Fire No 4 Shaft North Tamarack Mine Feb 2, 97, Photo by Isler #12". ]

Scanned: October 7, 2005


Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Manpower, Labor, Skilled Labor, Assay Lab and Smelter [Good interior shot of the well kept lab]

Scanned: April 6, 2006


Parks, Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress Houghton Park - Detroit City Officials [Group of people posing at the park. The B. T. Barry Drugstore is shown]

Scanned: April 6, 2006

Education - Schools

Education, Education, Elementary, , Fulton Public School [Poor photo from a damaged slide showing the Fulton Public School classroom.]

Scanned: April 1, 2008

Cities & Towns - Lac LaBelle

Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Water, Lakes, Woody Plants, Trees Lac LaBelle {Field of dasies with buildings in background, pilings are sticking out of the water]

Scanned: April 6, 2006