Agriculture |
Agriculture, Woody Plants, Trees, Persons |
Modern Type Potato Sprayer [A man drives a potato sprayer through a crop field.]
Scanned: June 26, 2007 |

Agriculture |
Agriculture, , |
Potato Harvest Volunteer Registration Cards [Four examples of the cards used.]
Scanned: June 26, 2007 |

Agriculture |
Agriculture, Seasons, |
One of the well-kept gardens at Manderfields. [Image of acres of vegetable plants.]
Scanned: June 26, 2007 |

Agriculture |
Agriculture, Seasons, Woody Plants, Trees |
View of the Houghton Lions 10 acre Victory Garden project at Manderfield. Waste rock piles at Isle Royale mines #4 and #6 in background. [From a distance image of the gardening project.]
Scanned: March 26, 2014 |

West Hancock |
Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Water, Lakes, Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Hospitals |
[Aerial view of West Hancock showing two hospitals, old streetcar power station and many houses. Photograph also shows part of Portage Lake and the south side with the Houghton Canal road. Wing spar of airplane also visible at upper right.]
Scanned: July 18, 2007 |

Surface Map, Atlas Powder Company |
Industries, Buildings, Railroad Companies |
[Surface map of the explosives factory of the Atlas Powder Company at Senter, just west of Dollar Bay. Text box has been added (not on original) reading "Atlas Powder Company, Senter, Michigan, Ammended copy with pictures and foot notes by Bill Haller December 2005." Map does not include photographs or notes. ]
Scanned: July 19, 2007 |

Cities and Towns - Central |
Persons, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Reunions |
Central Mine Reunion - Left to right: George Nicholls; Mildred Nicholls Harvey; Alfred Nicholls (with pasty); Eliza Carter Chinn Nicholls [The family enjoys a pasty picnic and a bottle of wine.]
Scanned: July 19, 2007 |

Spitzbergen Locations |
Buildings, Dwellings, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, |
[Image of several dwellings with snow covered mountains as a back drop.]
Scanned: July 26, 2007 |

Spitzbergen Locations |
Buildings, Dwellings, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Persons |
[Image of a building with a man standing nearby. A ball or balloon type of object peeks over the snow covered hills.]
Scanned: July 26, 2007 |

Spitzbergen Locations |
Seasons, Winter, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, |
[View of coal mining operations and equipment at Spitzbergen.]
Scanned: July 26, 2007 |