MTU - Sports and Rec - Intramural |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Sports Personnel, Persons |
[Two MTU students playing an intramural doubles ping pong match. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 222)]
Scanned: April 29, 2009 |

MTU - Sports and Rec - Intramural |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Sports Personnel, Persons |
The A.S.M. bowlers and Theta Tau Fraternity bid for the bowling crown. [Two MTU students bowling in sync as other look on. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 222)]
Scanned: April 29, 2009 |

MTU - Sports and Rec - Intramural |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Sports Personnel, Persons |
[Intramural volleyball matches taking place in the wood gym of the SDC. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 222)]
Scanned: April 29, 2009 |

MIchigan Tech Lode |
Mass Media, Newspapers, Education, |
[A copy of the front page of the Michigan Tech Lode. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 223)]
Scanned: April 30, 2009 |

MTU - Keweenawan |
Education, Mass Media, |
[The front cover of the Keweenawan. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 223)]
Scanned: April 30, 2009 |

MTU - The Engineer |
Education, Mass Media, |
[The front cover of The Engineer. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 223)]
Scanned: April 30, 2009 |

MTU - Alumni |
Education, Reunions, Class Reunions, Persons |
1952 Alumni Reunion, (left to right) C. Botsford, E. Scallon, J. Fisher, R. Satterley. [Photogragh of four Michigan Tech Alumni. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 225)]
Scanned: May 4, 2009 |

MTU - Fraternaities and Sororities - Tau Beta Pi |
Brotherhoods, Education, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources |
Tau Beta Pi honorary fraternity, founded on campus in 1904. Members of the 1908 group shown. [Tau Beta Pi photograph in front of the Ludington "C" Shaft, Iron Mountian. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 226)]
Scanned: May 1, 2009 |

MTU - Alumni |
Persons, Education, |
Tom Hruby, executive secretary of the Alumni Association. [Protrait of Thomas F. Hruby. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 227)]
Scanned: May 5, 2009 |

MTU - Michigan Tech Fund |
Persons, Education, |
Michigan Tech Fund new trustees. (front, left to right) H. Barkell, R. McManus, J. Westwater, C. Donovan, (back) W. Turunen, A. Karam, A. Maki. [Photograph of Michigan Tech Fund trustees. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 228)]
Scanned: May 5, 2009 |